Tuesday, August 9, 2011

boston con

August 7, 2011
Hyatt Regency, Cambridge
575 Memorial Dr.

Two of the hottest guys on the planet were only 30mins north of me this past weekend and I even had people to go with. Sure, it was only my parents, but I didn't have to pay for much or drive into Boston so it was a good day, lol.

By the end of the night, I was too tired to write anything up about the day and I'm leaving for VanCon in just a few days so there have been other things on my mind...

However, unlike last time, all pictures are my own and the videos supplied should be enough to convey what happened during the panels.


I will say:

Jared passed me in the lobby, then again with Misha...twice. The second time, I was literally one inch away from my favorite person in the world. ♥Misha


The photo-op was interesting...it was the very first thing on the schedule. Seeing Jared on stage before metting him would've been better, I might've actually looked at him if I'd had time to get used to being in the same building with him, lol.

I met Misha in NJ, so it wasn't as bad and sorta focused my attention on him, but, as you can see, I was a tad bit closer to Jared...idk.

I said hi to them and thanked them for the photo, they thanked me and Jared added a little something:
"Thanks, babe." 

...I was in heaven =)
Jared Padalecki

Part 1        |         Part 2          |         Part 3
(click image for more at photobucket)
Jared & Misha

Part 1        |         Part 2          |         Part 3         |         Part 4
(click image for more at photobucket)
Richard Speight

Part 1        |         Part 2         
 (click image for more at photobucket)
Brock Kelly
I couldn't find any videos, but here's some bullet points:
• thinks Colin is a better actor than him
• Colin has been acting longer than him
• he's had many odd jobs throughout his life
• his dad's house is haunted; dad doesn't believe him, step-mom had experienced the haunting as well - they meet away from the house now
• when he first met Jensen, it was like looking at a younger version of his dad
• plays video games
• likes sports
• Richard is determined to get him to do karaoke
• would like to return in a flashback

 (click image for more at photobucket)
Misha Collins

Part 1        |         Part 2          |         Part 3         |         Part 4

        Part 5         |         Part 6          

(click image for more at photobucket)

I only had general admission again, so I couldn't go to breakfast (hopefully that won't be the case in Vancouver ;-) but here's what happened:

Part 1        |         Part 2          |         Part 3         |         Part 4

  This one's better:

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I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel