Sunday, May 17, 2015

Always Keep Fighting

Not that you'll ever read this, but I've lurked in the fandom long enough. I made this blog years ago and haven't updated in...well, it's been a while. Feel free to look around. It's all Supernatural, mostly Destiel...

Dear Jared, 

Supernatural has been everything to me since the very beginning and I’m really impressed with what you’ve done with Always Keep Fighting. I admire your views on the struggle as a fight you battle every day. I really could’ve used that outlook earlier, it gives a sense of strength I really needed. And coming from you, you have no idea how much that means.
I really wish you were the one who saved my life, but that honor goes to Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean, 2004. 

This is relevant, I swear. Bear with me ;-)

I was at a point in my life that nothing mattered and I had zero motivation to do anything. I didn’t want to die, but I didn’t know how to live. I was just…stuck. Until I heard about Pirates 2 and 3. I needed a goal, just something to look forward to and worked towards. Something to live for. Pirates saved my life, but Supernatural sustained it. The sequels gave me time. Time for things to get better. Supernatural was what I turned to between premieres, and eventually you boys stole my heart and gave my life new purpose. 

I’m from Massachusetts, and I’ve always wanted to see the world. My first convention was New Jersey. I heard you were supposed to be there that year, but Misha was amazing. I saw you both in Boston the following year before driving cross-country to California and up to Vancouver. VanCon 2011 is still the highlight of my life. I took a road trip, complete with classic rock and chain motels. I even spent a night in Lawrence and saw Stull Cemetery, then rented a room in the first motel ever featured in Supernatural and had my own LA location tour. 

The convention was like nothing I had ever experienced. I met Chad Lindberg in the elevator. The cruise with Misha was phenomenal. And seeing you and Jensen together on stage was absolutely amazing. I’ve seen plenty of videos, before and since, but there’s nothing like being in the audience with you two goofballs having the time of your lives. You guys are truly amazing, and you really do care. 

Texas was next - with drunken Mark Sheppard hugs, and accidentally groping Seb when my watch got stuck on his pants as he crowd-surfed during Karaoke. Closely followed by a trip across the pond for a Doctor Who convention to meet David Tennant and Billie Piper - feeling like I was cheating on Supernatural the whole time. The train to Wales put a stop to that. In between cons, I visited a friend in Vermont and took a rain to Florida with my family. 

Last year I stopped in Philly on my road trip to Florida for a photo-op with Buffy’s James Marsters and David Boreanaz. Then Boston Comic Con to re-take my photo with James. Actually, I’m heading to Spain in about a month to board  Comic Con at Sea to meet James again, this time with his band, and explore the Mediterranean.

I feel like Buffy the Vampire Slayer would’ve been my Supernatural of the ‘90s if I hadn't been 7 when it started. Honestly, I’ve been so absorbed with the show on Netflix, reading Buffy/Spike fanfic and catching up on the comics that I’ve sort of put Supernatural to the side for over a year. I never missed an episode, but I’ve felt myself pulling away. I know it has to end sometime, and I just want to make sure I’ll survive it. Just a few years ago, I’m not sure I would’ve. Now, I think I’m ready to feel everything.

I’ve always found myself the outsider, never fitting in. Even my best friend never really understood me. I used to keep everything inside, but after my experience at VanCon, I started talking about Supernatural. I converted two of my friends. One has gone on to convert her own and has taken to fandom so well, she cosplays Thor to her friend’s Loki and it is the coolest thing. I met my best friend through our mutual love for Supernatural. She loves Sam, I love Dean, and the rest is history.

In the 10 years I’ve grown up with this show, I’ve gone from insecure and hiding from the world to embracing it. I dropped out of college to travel the world and find myself, and I’m finally ready to go back with the major I set out for in the first place: Veterinary Technology. I don't mean cats and dogs, I'm talking big; Wildlife Preserves in Africa, saving the world big. Turns out I just needed the confidence to pursue it. And I never would’ve had that if it weren’t for the SPNFamily: cast, crew and fellow fans. Words can’t describe what the show and you boys mean to me. 

I love you. 

Stay strong.

~Kelley Young

*virtual hug*

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I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel