Thursday, August 19, 2010

and so the cycle continues...

Guess it's about that time in every hiatus where I start thinking about life before Supernatural and everything leading up to it.

This is LONG!!

continue if you dare...

Okay, so it happens a few times throughout the year, but there's 36 days 'til s.6 and I don't think I've ever documented what happened before this amazing series even existed.

It started with Animorphs in 1998 on Nickelodeon. I loved animals and people turning into them was really cool at the time.

Then there was So Weird on Disney Channel in 1999...but that's too far back and I don't remember shit about it besides the fact that Erik von Detten was hot, as displayed below:

One of the episodes took place at a carnival and 2.02-Everybody Loves a Clown always reminds me of it...

I caught a few episodes of Are You Afraid of the Dark on Nickelodeon...but then music took over my life; Backstreet, NSYNC, Good Charlotte...

Nothing really happened in the supernatural department until 2003 when I watched a lot of horror movies leading up to Halloween. After Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween 1-Resurrection and countless other random finds at Hollywood Video, I'd had enough of blood and gore; swearing off all things horror forever. (Hey, I was 13...)

Anyway, I later learned that 'horror' and 'supernatural' aren't exactly the same thing. The paranormal can be horrific, but it's much more spiritual than the blood and gore and senseless killing of slasher flicks.

Shit happened and I turned to Jack Sparrow for comfort. The movie, of course; it's still kinda special to me, and then, ultimately, fanfic. Jack/OFC at first cuz, ya know, livin' the dream. I wanted nothing more than to escape my fucked up life on the Black Pearl; freedom of the open the helm in Jack's arms.

God, that still sounds nice, but now it's more the open road than open water... ; )
Dean Winchester no longer required. (he was once, lol)

After my horror movie Halloween in 2003, I avoided Pirates but, time heals everything, including mental scarring aparently and turns out the undead pirates weren't all that bad. Mostly because they weren't there to scare you. I mean, sure, they were scary in a sense,'s not like they were just there with no back story or reason for being there - it was a curse and that makes it better; makes it 'supernatural'.

Dean says it best; "Demons, I get...there's rules, there' patterns. But with people, they're just crazy"

So, with the undead pirate thing, they can't be killed until the curse is broken. Demons need to be exorsised, spirits: salted and burned, vampires: decapitated, zombies: headshot, shapeshifters: silver...Freddy Kruger, Michael Meyers, Jason Voreys and a slew of other horror film classics that JUST WON'T DIE were all human...damn. The onyl thing 'supernatural' about them was the inability to kill them.

I became a huge fan of the Scream Trilogy (soon to be saga) and the first two in the I Know What You Did Last Summer collection. Not sure exactly when that was, but it happened. lol. much happened, personally, and all this stuff kinda took a backseat. Pirates took over my life, Johnny Depp...

In 2005 I caught an episode of Tru Calling at my friends house. Actually, I watched the very last episode to ever air. I think I'd seen commercials, but never really did anything to find out more about it. It was randomly on and looked interesting...

One episode and I was into her brother, Harrison. But c'mon, can you blame me? He's gorgeous! ...and the character, totally my type. =D

I watched the first season about a months later; it was available at Hollywood Video and I had an MVP account (back when those still existed and Hollywood was still in business). So I watched all of season one, then I was forced to wait a few months for season two (all 6 episodes) came on DVD. 

Tru Davies has a gift, or a curse; depending on the day and whether or not she's already lived it.

Tru didn't get into med school, but she did take a job as a morgue attendent to gain experience. There, she and her boss turned confidante Davis prepare the dead for their final resting place...until a whisper from the table rewinds Tru's day and changes her life forever.

My GOD just writing about it gives me chills...this show is amazing!

So every week she waits for a stiff to call her name and ask for her help. She and Davis team up and save them, eventually adding her brother to the team.

I guess I like to think of 'supernatural' as a destiny kinda deal; something ingrained in the character, like Tru's ability. At the very end of season one, we...find out more about the new pick-up guy, Jack Harper - also hot:

When I found out this show was cancelled, I didn't take it well. This show was fucking perfect and cut down in it's prime...this show was a MASTERPIECE!!

After...I basically just watched the DVDs and read fanfic (Tru/Jack), there was nothing else to do.

Charlie and the Chocoloate Factory happened, then Green Day was a big deal for a while...

Supernatural premiered September 13, 2005. I was really excited about it; previews were fantastic and the guys were hot, I never missed an episode; hell, I cried four episodes in...

t's just...I was still in mourning for Tru Calling and personal shit made me expect the worst out of life. I didn't let myself get too involved and, inevitably, let down. The season finale was hard. I'd fallen in love with the show, but held back as much as possible...Dean was amazing, but, again, I didn't let it get to my head. The show itself hooked me,  but...Tru Calling was THE best thing I'd ever seen!! Nothing else could possibly compare!

...then I found out Supernatural was in for another season. The boys would not die on the side of the road and the world wouldn't end (at least not yet) and...idk, things were looking up all around. Plus, the boys got hotter! Dean...

I researched IMDb for his other work, rented Devour, both parts to Blonde and Smallville, s.4.

I attempted Supernatural fic, but...het was hard to find. Even searching it directly, I came up empty, Dean/Jo included. It was all...Sam/Dean. Now, I have no problem with slash, but they're BROTHERS!!! No...just...NO!

I was desperate and Tru/Jack was too depressing, so I tried it. God, forgive me, I tried it. The results were predictable. NO!!!

I then tried for ANYTHING with a Jensen Ackles character in a het pairing...Max/Alec came up and I was done. After a bit more research, though, Max turned out to be female and Dark Angel looked pretty interesting...

I ended up buying Devour, Dawson's Creek s.6 and...Dark Angel s.2.

Max/Alec was PERFECT! And not just the fic, but OMG that was awesome too, and made better by their relationship on the show. Totally love/hate. ;P

Dark Angel replaced Tru Calling for a while, but it didn't quite make sense since they'd both been cancelled.

Towards the end of season two...I'm not exactly sure when it happened; it was gradual and...kinda perfect. I could probably pinpoint it if I tried, but it's not necessary.

Supernatural became my favorite television show of all time. And has yet to be topped =D

...but it was onyl on once a week and summer's were disasterous without it.

My friend's mom was really into vampire stuff, so we watched Interview with a Vampire and Queen of the Damned.

Queen of the Damned was it. Lestat...damn.
I know Tom Cruise was a big hit,  but his Lestat in Interview just didn't cut it.

So...vampires became my thing. I started reading the books at the beginning of 2005. I know it was freshman year... JR Ward's 'Dark Lover' was my first (memorable) vampire romance novel.

Not gonna lie, I was in it for the sex. Bloodplay happened later...I wasn't in the right place for that to be okay.

Dark-Hunters were soon to follow, and I finally gave into Anita Blake when I'd caught up to everything else. It was Supernatural, I guess. Where Vampires are legal citizens and lycanthropy is a disease...hunting vampires is a profession and Anita's a US Marshal whose abilities have earned her the title of Executioner among vamps.

Dark-Hunter is more mythology, Greek to be exact. Artimis created undead warriors to protect humans from the daimons who feed on their souls. Acheron, their leader, is an Atlantean god himself; one of the last, who lived as a human for the first 21yrs of his life. When he was killed, his mother, Apollymi the Destroyer lived up to her name, sinking the great city of Atlantis and killing off all the gods. Acheron came back somehow and imprisoned her...idk it's been a while. lol.

Once caught up, time between books has becoming longer and the drive to read them has since been diminished by Supernatural fic that actually works for me.

Vampires were a big deal for a while, though. Blood Ties in 2006 (Henry Fitzroy, first TV Vamp crush:)

Moonlight in 2007 (Mick St. John looked like Paolo...what can I say?:)

Batman/Joker kinda happened a little...then scared me away from slash fic...

Then True Blood in 2008..and, its counterpart, the Sookie Stackhouse novels...Eric/Sookie began and lasted quite a while. Damn s.2 Eric Northman:

I was SURE this would be my last pair but I somehow managed to FINALLY find a Supernatural pairing that worked for the most unlikely place.

Jo was the closest I'd ever gotten to being okay with Dean being with someone (she may have reminded me of myself a bit; a way to put myself with Dean in the show...idk, I'm weird).

I didn't watch the first half of Supernatural s.5 cuz I wanted to concentrate on school, but the day I finished finals, I had myself a marathon...and found the wonder that is Dean/Cas =D =D =D

Fucking snuck up on me,'s not going anywhere now. And I wouldn't have it any other way...

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I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel