Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mar. fic recs, deancastiel

Big deancastiel posts begin here: Part 1 of 3...

~*Fic Recs*~ 

★ - favorite (*)
- love (**+)


Sleep | NC-17 | 5.02 | established | by whreflections
Cas is human now and after a long drive he desperately needs his sleep, but Dean is drunk and they've been apart for weeks and he has anything but sleep on his mind.

Nothing Important Happened Today | PG-13 | 5.09 | pre-slash | by awesomepants87
Dean tells Castiel about his day and makes a confession.

And We Will All Be Left Behind | PG-13 | 5.10 | established | by oh_whimsical
Life doesn’t give a damn about “right” and “fair.” A tag to tonight’s amazing and heartbreaking episode.

If I Never Knew You | R | 5.22 | established | by whiteascocaine
It's a dream sequence. Cas visits Dean one last time.
Gesture of Good Will | PG | 5.13 | first time | by ru_salki99
Castiel and Dean talk about what happened.
Pissing Off the Devil | NC-17 | 5.10 | ...kink | by aschmedai 
An alternate version of how Castiel escaped the Holy Ring of Fire - and how he made Dean enjoy his report - a lot.
Our Places | NC-17 | first times | PWP | by entangled_now
 It's still new enough that Dean doesn’t quite believe it sometimes.
1. The Night Before | PG-13 | 5.03 | first time | by moshesque
Dean's not going to mess up this time.
2. The Morning After | PG-13 | 5.03 | by akuni
Dean thinks he's messed it up after all.
It's Just a Reflex & Sam Strikes Back (2/2) | R | S.5 | first time | by ksock
As if the Apocalypse isn't enough to deal with, Dean develops a strange allergy that Sam and Castiel team up to diagnose.
1. Possession | NC-17 | S.5 | first time |  by tiptoe39
BAMF!Castiel, pwned!Dean, sex ensues. I am thinking about writing a longer fic with the same themes. Thoughts?
2. Respite | NC-17 | S.5 | first times | by tiptoe39
After their first encounter, Dean can't stop thinking about how it helped him stop thinking.
If at First | NC-17 | 5.03 | first time |  by clockworktri
Sometime after 5.03. Dean is watching porn, Cas shows up to ask for some intel but ends up asking for something else instead.
Bright Elusive Thing | NC-17 | 5.08-.10 | first time | by prophetesss
Castiel's brother sent him to a dark place, one that left him wounded. He almost doesn't notice, but Dean's eyes are a little sharper.

Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes | NC-17 | 5.14 | first time | by littlehollyleaf
 Dean feels empty. Cas has some left over cravings he's been keeping quiet about.
[Kinda long, but oh, so amazing! Totally Cas' craving...the burger was Jimmy's, Cas wants Dean.]
Every Day in Every Way | R | 5.14 | first time | by liadan14
Castiel thinks this is a hard want to understand. Or possibly it’s just him who doesn’t understand it. Either way, he’s been trying to explain it to himself and, worse yet, articulate it for a while now. A development in eight scenes.
My Salvation Lies in Your Love | PG | 5.14 | first time | by fullonswayzeed
What we didn't see at the end of 5.14, 'My Bloody Valentine'.


A Heart that Hurts (Is a Heart that Works) | R | S.4 | 8/8 | Complete | by  enigmatic_blue
When Dean is offered a reward for sending Lucifer back to hell, he asks for Castiel to be let off the hook. What he doesn’t realize is that disobedience always has consequences. And when he gets a phone call from Claire Novak, Dean may find that he’s in over his head.


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I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel