Monday, September 6, 2010

Apr. fic recs, deancastiel prt2

First of all, congratulations to Misha who ran 83k yesterday, raising over $94,000 for here's some fic to celebrate:

first two are incredible, this worked out perfectly! lol

 ~*Fic Recs*~

★ - favorite (*)
- love (**+)


1. Layers | NC-17 | S.4 | first time | by strangeandcharm
Utterly gratuitous, totally pornographic PWP featuring two happy [drunk] Winchesters and an angel. (What? It could totally happen!)
[not wincest, but as close as I'll ever get...]

2. It's a Not-so-Terrible Life | S.5 | PWP | by strangeandcharm
 It’s Castiel’s first Christmas Eve on his own. How can the boys make him feel better? Clue: they has some sexin’.
[Dean/Cas towards the end...]

When in Amsterdam | R | 5.04 | pre-slash | by
A few moments between future!Cas and past!Dean before the raid on Lucifer.
["Should I do it, Cas? Should I say yes?" "I wish you would," he whispers. "But not to him."]

A Seam to Hem Me In | PG-13 | 5.17/.18 | first time | by amor_remanet
"If only he could carve his grace out every night."

Creature of Habit | PG-13 | 5.13 | pre-slash | by trinityofone
The more you love someone, the more you want to kill them. Or: How Cas developed some bad habits, and Dean coped surprisingly well.
(Secret Angels III)

Are You Somewhere | PG | 5.18 | pre-slash | by oceansex
Cas has grown on him since then. No, more than that. He's become part of the family.

Maybe More Than Enough | PG-13 | 5.18 | first time | by wandersfound
At the motel in Cicero, Castiel finds them, and finally Dean comes to understand something he should have known a long time ago.

The Most Amazing Thing | NC-17 | S.5 | first time | by ru_salki99
Post apocalypse: Dean's back is hurting and Castiel decides to help make him feel better.

Sigil | PG-13 | 5.18 | pre-slash | by cassandra_leeds
Sam and Dean help Castiel with a sigil.

Mirror, Mirror | NC-17 | 5.18 | pre-slash | by
To be honest, Dean hadn’t thought it through, which, again to be honest, was like saying fish lived in water. Dean never thought shit like this through.

These Unpleasant Truths | PG-13 | 5.18 | first time | by phate_phoenix
Dean makes some discoveries. Nearly none of them are pleasant.

Hot Hot Heat | NC-17 | 5.16 | first times | by ru_salki99
Sam and Dean happen upon one of Dean's memories and it spurs Dean into action when they get back.

Who Would Believe Them Winged | NC-17 | 5.18 | established |
 by maboheme
It's lips instead of fists this time, a kiss that swells and intensifies the longer it lasts, something that carries them forward and downward.
[It was a long time ago, thousands of miles ago, before the last seal, before Michael... part of my absolute love for this show is in time that's better measured in miles]

Four Times Dean Asked... | PG-13 | 5.14 | first times | by blue_flame88
...And The One Time He Didn't. Dean is a very curious guy, and recently Castiel’s wings have been tickling that curiosity.



Paper Cup | R | post-A | AU | 3/3 + companions | WIP | by uraneia
After the apocalypse is averted, Castiel looks for Dean, Sam has PTSD, and Gabriel shows up to help. Sort of.

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I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel