Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Apr. fic recs, deancastiel prt3

Kinda takes a backseat to the VanCon news, but here's some fic to celebrate! lol

 ~*Fic Res*~ 

★ - favorite (*)
- love (**+)


Some Starless Night | NC-17 | 5.14 | first time | by clueless_psycho
Craving for burgers was bad enough.

The Penitent Man | G | 5.18 | pre-slash | by littlehollyleaf
Castiel's fight with the angels guarding Adam knocks him out for a few days. What he learns about Dean when he revives is surprising and, considering what the hunter put him through prior to the fight, not as instantly joyous as you might expect.

Idle Worshippers | PG | 5.18 | pre-slash | by sansday
Dean and Castiel get trapped in Bobby’s panic room, and Dean occupies the time by trying to calm Castiel. He discovers something about himself during the wait.

Adventures in Onanism | NC-17 | S.5 | first time | by psycocatgirl
As Castiel grows increasingly more human, with human needs, Dean appoints himself Castiel's personal guide to mortal living. It's all fun and games, until it gets awkward. And then fun again.

Travels with Angels in Search of America (2/2) | R | post-A | first time |
by lassroyale
In which the big showdown leaves the Winchesters with more questions than answers and God sends Castiel on a road trip across the U.S to see the world’s largest chocolate moose. Along the way some answers are found, more questions are asked, and Sam and Dean just maybe, discover there’s more to life than hunting.
(Secret Angels III)

Angels Gone Wild | NC-17 | 5.18 | established? | by tracy_loo_who
Castiel gets fed up with the rampant UST between himself and Dean and decides to take things into his own hands (literally).
[with an appearance by future!Cas...]

Not a Quick Fall, But a Slow Tumble | PG | 5.14 | pre-slash | by ladyoneill
It's been happening for a while but they've all been ignoring it, until Castiel is injured and isn't healing and he calls Dean for help.
(Secret Angels III)

The Wonders of Devotion | PG-13 | 5.19 | first time | by misslucyjane
Dean didn’t fail. Castiel discovers a new way to reward him.

Break of Day | NC-17 | S.5 | established | by annundriel
Cas doesn't understand that just because it's morning, it doesn't mean you have to get up. Dean educates him.

I'll Stand with You, Little Brother... | PG | 5.19 | platonic!Gabe/Cas |
pre-slash | by fate_incomplete
Gabriel talks to Cas to try and understand why he chooses to fight by Dean's side and finds his reason to stand up to Lucifer.

Blown | NC-17 | 5.18 | first time | by annundriel
Dean doesn't know what he's saying.
[Blow me, Cas]

It Must Have Been Moonglow | PG | 5.17 | first time | by eretria
Dean's drunk, Cas is on his way there and kissing happens
Haven't Lost Me Yet | PG-13 | 5.18 | pre-slash | by
Castiel suffers a few repercussions, Dean is busy avoiding everything, Sam gets stuck on clean up duty.

Attempted Debauchery | PG-13 | S.4 | pre-slash | by oywidapoodles
Set during the first half of season four; it's my attempt to explain why we never see Dean and Cas just start making out.

All Along | PG-13 | 5.10/.13 | first time | by quiddative
It really is a bad soap opera just waiting to happen.
(Secret Angels III)

Echoes of Destiny | NC-17 | S.5 | first time | by morganoconner
It starts with a book, ends with a revelation, and in between there’s a conversation with God. Just another day in the life of the Brothers Winchester.
(Secret Angels III)


Touched | NC-17 | S.5 | pre-slash | 2/3 | WIP | by secondplatypus
Cas discovers erections, masturbation, and just how good Dean looks in a sweat-soaked white wifebeater. Sam discovers the meaning of trauma.

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I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel