Sunday, September 5, 2010

Apr. fic recs, deancastiel

Another 1 of 3...I had no life for quite some time =D

~*Fic Recs*~ 

★ - favorite (*)
- love (**+)


A Happy Ending | PG | 5.16 | by quiddative
Dean is waiting for the other shoe to drop, Cas convinces him it won't

Loosen You Up (It's What the Pie Told Me) | NC-17 | S.1-5 | first time |  by apple_buzz
Dean’s stress has Sam worried. Cas offers to help, and after a plotting session over the greatest thinking food known to man, he may just have a plan.
(Secret Angels III)

Faithless (2/2) | PG-13 | 5.16 | first time | by textroverted
After a month of silence they felt it was safe to bet that Castiel wasn't coming back.

Only Fools Rush In (2/2) |  NC-17 | S.5 | first time | by baka_sensei
Cas lets his feelings run away with him, Gabe is a total dick, Sam is concerned, and
Dean has to make a choice. 
(Secret Angels III)
Sleeping with the Angel | R | S.5 | first time | by bumblee
Castiel is picking up human traits the longer he's cut off from Heaven. When he turns up this time, Dean and Sam learn the latest is the need for sleep.
(Secret Angels III)

Warning: Angel May Bite | NC-17 | S.5 | first time |  by ru_salki99
Castiel has been acting strangely but refuses to tell anyone why. When Dean starts to mirror his behaviour, Sam and Bobby manage to figure it out. (mating)
(Secret Angels III)

The Binding | NC-17 | S.5 | first time |  by tiptoe39
They've found a ritual that will keep Michael from possessing Dean.

How to Romance a Human | PG-13 | S.4 | pre-slash |  by cloudy_fic
Castiel consults. "Castiel tries to woo Dean using a Cosmo article entitled 20 ways to get your man."

Not Enough | R | 5.18 | first time | by the_fmly_bzns
“How did you find me?” He asks; his eyes still closed. “It was very difficult.”

Failed Apology | PG-13 | 5.17 | pre-slash | by ashinan
Dean has never been good at apologies.

What Always Happened | PG-13 | 5.04-.17 | pre-slash | by kaiyote
It is 2014 and a Dean from the past is asking, "What happened to you?
[snippets in time...sad but awesome!]

The Rest of It | NC-17 | S.5 | first time | by hunters_retreat
Dean and Castiel finally figure it all out.


Dean Doesn't Listen to Eurythmics | NC-17 | S.5 | first time | by
Dean and Castiel share a bed. It starts out platonic, and then becomes something else.

Feeling Human | NC-17 | 5.03 | first time | by
Dean leaps before looking when he offers himself up to help Castiel with that "virginity problem"

A Moment | G | 5.17 | established | by priestess_kaiba
Dean never leaves the hotel room at the end of the episode. Instead he stays and takes care of his angel (like he’s supposed to :P). A moment of comfort and peace ensues.

The Joys of Christmas | NC-17 | S.5 | first time | by angelicmercy
Cas decides to explore the customs of the Christmas with Dean


A Few Small Repairs | NC-17 | S.5 | established | 5/5 | Complete | by liadan14
The apocalypse is over; all is well. Except that Sam's feeling a bit rudderless and missing Gabriel more than he thought he would, and that Dean and Castiel are keeping secrets, and, oh, yeah, that John Winchester decided to rise from the grave and no one really knows why.


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I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel