Thursday, September 9, 2010

May fic recs, deancastiel prt2

Alright, now we're starting to get into post-season finale fic. I wasn't going to read anymore until I knew for a fact Cas would be back. May 20, 2010 (one week after the finale that broke my heart) the CW press release listed Misha Collins as a series regular for s.6...and I started reading again.

...okay, it might've taken a few days, but my OTP was back in action!

...last fic's my fave of these

~*Fic Res*~ 

★ - favorite (*)
- love (**+)


No Stranger in Your Dreams | R | S.5 | first time | by aramleys_words 
"What would you dream about, Castiel, I wonder?"

Sticky | NC-17 | S.5 | established | by annundriel
Dean's got a fixation.

Twilight | PG-13 | 5.21/.22 | established | by shirozora
A broken man and a fallen angel come to terms with what they have left.

Angels Don't Feel Heartbreak | G | 5.22 | pre-slash | by
Castiel doesn't care. [yes he does]

[not sure why this is here, except that post-5.22 was really hard and it...made...things better somehow? idk! lol.]

1. What the Hell | R | S.5 | pre-slash | by waywardson_lvr 
A short interlude from Dean's POV

2. Great Expectations | R | S.5 | pre-slash | by waywardson_lvr 
 A short interlude from Castiel's POV

3. Smells Like...What? | PG-13 | S.5 | first time | by waywardson_lvr 
A little more from the inner workings of Dean Winchester's mind - plus pie.

3 Months Later | PG | 5.22 | pre-slash | by tracy_loo_who
[how 5.22 should have ended!]

A Romance in Haiku | PG | S.4-post-A | established? | by moonlettuce
Because it's not MMoM without haiku (marriage!fic)

Long Black Cloud Coming Down | R | 5.22 | first time | by moodymuse19
The first time Castiel visits him, Dean is drinking a large Scotch. He's also drinking on Castiel's second, third and fourth visit. You get the idea.

Can You Hear Heaven Cry | R | 5.22 | first time | by morganoconner
No matter where he is, what he does, or the decisions he makes, Castiel always hears Dean’s prayers.

If You're Hanging Around, I'm Holding the Noose | R  | 5.21 | first time | by melfice
Being human is just about learning the motions - but, yeah, maybe there is just a speck of angel left.

Visiting But Not For Long | R | 5.22 | first time | by typhon_9
 A visit, late at night, that starts in the bathroom.

The (Mostly Accidental) Courtship of Dean Winchester | R | 5.18-.22 |
first times | by tuesdayfic
Angelic marriage rites were never intended to go quite like this. 


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I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel