Friday, September 24, 2010

VanCon...just something to think about ;)

I was going to talk to you about all this tonight, but you won't be here so I thought I'd just give you something to think about over the week between episodes; assuming all this doesn't scare you away from ever watching Supernatural with me... =/

I know you hate me already! lol. There is more under this beautiful man... ;)

I know we've talked in circles over this for weeks, but you did agree once and even though you took it back just a few hours later, I do still think your original plan will work!

You suggested paying me back $100 a month. Then backed out because it wouldn't even make a dent by January and you have that Europe trip to save up for. At the time I was hysterical (...I'll admit I have been ever since, but come on; you said yes!) but I've thought about it and I think you could make this work.

There's still more, keep reading...after you enjoy Sammy!

If you stick to your original plan of $100 a month, you will be paid in full by August, just in time for the convention! =) Also, I think you could set aside some money for Europe during that time. Not much...maybe enough for shopping and food, but it'd be a start!

 Not to mention, you ould get to meet this beautiful man:
(you know you want to! =)

Gilmore Girls started back in 2000. You do realize, you have loved this man longer than Supernatural has been on! That's five years longer than I've been in love with Dean...nine years longer than I've loved Cas...

- ten years longer than I've been in love with Misha! It took meeting him after seven months of Dean/Cas to tip the scale and fall for this amazing man...imagine what you'll feel meeting Jared after ten years! (That's a lot of time to make up for!)

I know I'm cheating, but you agreed...then took it back!

I know you want to go Europe. Africa has been my dream getaway since I was 6! Never really thought seriously about it before, but after KRF, finding TIGERS and kissing entire world view just got a little brighter.

My first tattoo on my first out of state trip without my parents only made the longing to GET OUT that much stringer.

SC happened, just like I'd wanted.

I'd always wanted to go to Vancouver, but what were the odds of actually stumbling onto a set or running into my boys, huh? Million to one, if that!

NJ was a complete surprise, but figured it'd be a nice trial run for Vancouver.

I wanted to go Louisiana to see Paolo, but PA was closer and I didn't want to go alone. It was...a learning experience.(never travel with family when  have more fun alone)

After my 2012 freak-out, I wanted to go to Africa for my 21st birthday. That isn't happening this December like I would've LOVED! in favor of VanCon. Because of Vancouver, I pushed it back to my 22nd birthday and idk, it kinda feels right.

I'm mean, I know =)

I only have plans up 'til Vancouver. idk what I'm doing after that, but hopefully I'll be graduating by Dec. '11...and maybe celebrate by going to Africa, then I might settle down in SC for TIGERS...sounds good. I'll go with that for now. lol. 

I just wanted you to know what I have done to accomidate VanCon. I pushed back an international trip, too. Because Supernatural is worth it. I hope you agree. =)

 hehe ;)

and of course, a s.6 pic to celebrate.
 ...gotta admit, he's more fit than Jensen =/ lol

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I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel