Saturday, October 2, 2010

6.01 - Exile on Main Street

Started crying about 2 minutes in...and never really stopped. ='(

- if you haven't seen it -
**comment on facebook page**

Wow, it was different doing this while watching season five. Sure, it was only twice but Cas was back and Crowley was there...then the finale just tore me apart and I need an outlet before I went insane.

...Dean wasn't domesticated. =/

If you see this   ='(   it is not just how I feel. It's what I'm doing. Even as I write this, I guarantee you! 

I always said that I would cry through the entire episode. I've said this before in rearguards to other episodes, but it's never been as true as it was September 24th, 2010.  I cried through the entire episode. This is why:

I hate this. ='(
This is probably the shortest "THEN" sequence they've ever made, but the Apocalypse is over and all that's left is the boys' relationship. Nothing else matters but how they came to be where they are now.
 Really wish Cas was a part of it, though... =/

Having watched the promo, I just knew the 'THEN' portion would be Dean's dream...or nightmare.'s that "apple pie life" treatin' ya Dean? ='(

Lisa- You okay?
Dean- Yeah, I'm good.

No you're not Dean...♥  ='(

♫ - Beautiful Loser - ♫
by Bob Seger

Beautiful loser 
Where you gonna fall?
When you realize
You just can't have it all

Lemme just say, as we get into the music montage of his new case you couldn't guess, I am completely against all this! (but I absolutely LOVE the way its done!)

Salt is not meant for cooking!'s meant for killing monsters ='( of his new trade ='(
Alone, he's miserable, but with least he's smiling.
Hate this truck.

♥ his baby... ='(
...this stuff has only ever been a makeshift way to kill vampires.
OMG the saw...
(s.2...or 5?)
Only thing he's ever had to pry open had been a coffin..
My mind immediately went to that time on the side of the road...and then they showed it.
This part has always reminded me (since the promo) of s.4 when he and Rita had gotten married and moved to a suburb, there was this BBQ and Dex didn't fit in at all and he knew it was only matter of time before they saw him for the monster he really was...
This part was worse than the last. He's only ever showed Sammy how to fix up his car! Thankfully his baby is in the garage and they're working on the truck, but still, it's the principle! I knew what was coming up ='(
He's obviously thinking about Sam...he practically raised him and taking care of Ben reminds him of taking care of Sam while they were growing up...and it hurts. The tears were seriously never-ending but this was the worst of it. Okay that's a lie...
That smile is so forced it hurts... ='(
Kinda wish they threw this in there... =P ♥
 ...always wanted to see the other side of that scene lol.
 Ben will never be Ben to me; he'll always be another version of Sam...
 It feels like he's just going through the motions; disconnected, emotionless. (Again, he reminds of me of Dexter.) Because this isn't what he wants...
 He's not happy. I know Dean well enough to see that he's miserable. And I hate it...='(
 There ya go, Dean... ♥
Absolutely LOVE the new opener; how it symbolizes their shattered lives and that they have only to pick up the pieces. ♥ ♥ ♥
That's Sam's seat.
Seriously, who the fuck it this guy!? He bugs me just as much as that waitress in 5.03...mind your own damn business, bitch! ( I hate it when people try to butt into the lives of a hunter, somethign they honestely don't wanna know's so annoying!)
Nevermind the fact that Dean doesn't wanna talk about it...
Pest control, Dean? lol.♥
and MY GOD those eyes! Since when do I care more about the plot than the beauty of this amazing creature!? man's still got it!
...D'= he should be off at some random bar in the middle of nowhere chasing these chicks and having fun. Damn, I did not see the tears coming for this one, but they hit me hard. This. Is. Not. My. Dean. ='(  ='(
Always ready to save people, Dean. How can you honestly believe you belong here, baby? =/
SAM! I'll admit it, that's all it takes... ='(
I'll have to pause it sometime and read the fine print...
I always feel the need to tell Dean to be careful. Always. Although right now he is outta practice...
...pretty ♥
Thought it would've taken him longer to catch a trail. God, I missed this!
A cop, Dean? Really?
And he's lying...
But looks O so cute doing it ♥
 ...he doesn't wanna be here. =/
Now that's the hunter I know and love! ♥
What kinda car does Sam drive...?
Lovin' the gun Dean ♥
Okay, now he seriously needs to be careful...
In broad daylight, Dean! Really? ...gotta admit, though: lovin' the ass shot. ;)
Payback for 4.06...?

 ...guess Dean's not over it yet. lmao!
Knew he'd get himself caught... look like a guy with a permit...
Way to freak out the neighbors...
Love it when you play it cool, baby ♥
God, I love his face...♥
Sulfur. Really stumbled onto somethign there, didn't ya Dean?
..he's so innicent! ♥
...and she is so Godamn condecending
Are you hunting something?
 Or maybe it just sounds that way cuz I'm so in love with Dean and just want him with Cas...not to mention OUT OF HER HOUSE AND BACK ON THE ROAD WITH HIS BROTHER!!!!!
God, I hate her...
Take Ben to a movie? Trying to get rid of her, Dean? Lovin' it! lol
God, he's pretty...♥
..keep faking that smile, Dean. You're not fooling anyone.
His jacket!! ♥ ='(
He misses it. ='( pretty
Dad's journal...Dean get back out there; you don't belong here and you know it!! ='(
Love a man with a gun...
Granted he's pointing it in the wrong direction, but, then again, Azazel's 'sposed to be dead...
The big daddy brought your pal Cas back right? Why not add a little spice to all that suguar?
Is that innuendo I hear? I think so!! =) ♥Dean/Cas
 Azazel- You can't outrun your past.
Don't ya hate it when demons make sense? I used to, but this...this is what needs!! =D
 I know Azazel's trying to kill him, but his eyes!
...I hate changing the style of pics in the middle of these, but come on, Sammy's first appearance is a must!
 Oh, that's what happened!? Things go by so fast, it's hard to keep up. He stabbed Dean. With the cure. Got it!
Dean's first real look at his brother raised from the dead...
he's pretty...♥
Sammy!! ♥ =')
Dean's in shock.
 ...and thinks he's in Heaven.
 Damn, he's pretty.
Sammy takes care of it...
Okay, idk if it's all the Gilmore Girls I've been watching but...I'll admit it. Sam's cute.
Dean- Sammy? =')
...I really wanna trust him. =/
but it's just too hard... ='(
The moment Dean realizes it's really him...
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

...this is such an open moment for Dean...dreaded chick flicks and all that. =')

 I think Gabriel brought him back...but that's just me. (I NEED Gabriel to be back!)
Dean- Was it God? Or Cas -- Does Cas know anything about it?
Love how Dean immediately jumps from 'God' to 'Cas' since that time in the graveyard...Oh and the look on his face when talking about his angel...♥
 Sam- You tell me. I've been calling, Cas hasn't answered my prayers. I don't know where he is.
"you tell me" Absolutely LOVE that Sam automatically assumes Dean's been in contact with his angel. That's right, Sam, his angel. Like Cas would answer your prayers when he's already the answer to Dean's...
Dean obviously hasn't been keeping in touch with his angel...and is intensely devastated at the possibility that he never will...
The big Brother Moment of the show. At least they're getting it all out there, talking about it (Dean...!) and not hiding anything (Sam...?) Went exactly how I knew it would...I know these boys SO well ='(

You've been alive practically this whole time?
You finally had what you wanted
He wanted you Sam...
I wanted my brother, alive!
I know my man...
You wanted a family. You have for a long time, maybe the whole time. I know you. You only gave it up because of the way we lived. But you had something and you were building something. Had I shown up, Dean, you would’ve just run off.

He already has a family, Sam. He was never really happy with the one you stuck him with and never would be. Not with the knowledge of what is really out there and the fact that you were trapped in Lucifer's cage...I don't see how you could force him to make that promise...
Sam- I’m sorry, but it felt like after everything you deserved some regular life.
...and after everything, the things after you civilian would ever be safe. There's no changing that. So fucking DEAL! ='(

I don't trust the Campbells.
And the fuck is he even alive!?
I thought maybe Dean and Cas did change something in the past back in 4.03...and that's why Azazel was alive but since that wasn't real...I got nothing.
btw, Dean is incredibly pretty when stunned...♥ big resurrection story. Sam and Grandad Campbell are just BACK. Makes perfect sense...nothing wrong reason not to trust them.
Yeah, Dean's not buying it either.♥
It really sucks that he can't trust his family...I don't even know if he can trust Sam (thankfully neither does he) but you can see how much its killing him, to have these people here and not be sure...of anything. It physically hurts me to watch this.
...but it just wouldn't be Suprnatural without an ENORMOUS amount of angst.
 ♥Dean's skepticism. About everything. Including a cure for Djinn poison...
...tricks your daddy never even dreamed of.
After reading this (6.05 spoiler) I couldn't be more thankful for that. Still doesn't mean I trust him.
How much did he tell her...?
This trip to Bobby's to keep them safe make Lisa and Ben just seem like props in Dean's life. Which, if you think about it, is exactly what they are. Easily moved from place to place...not to mention we don't know anything about them, there's no in-depth character study because honestly, they don't matter. The sooner Dean realizes this the better...
I couldn't wait to see if Bobby knew...LOVE how he doesn't even flinch when Sam walks in. 
I hate them both. 
Dean's just as devastated...not to mention hurt that the only two people (note 'people') he cares about lied to him for a year! ='(
You got out Dean! You walked away from the life and I was so damn grateful, you got no idea.
Bobby's trying to live vicariously through Dean because his "apple-pie life" was taken from him, twice. 
Do you have any clue what walking away meant for me?
A woman and a kid and not getting your guts ripped out at age 30, that’s what it meant.
That woman and that kid; I went to them because you asked me to. I showed up on their doorstep half outta my head with grief. God knows why they even let me in. I drank too much, I had nightmares. I looked everywhere. I collected hundreds of books trying to find anything to bust you out. ='(

This, Dean, broke me down. It sounds bad, but this is everything I'd hoped to hear from his time without Sam. He only went because of Sam. Lisa doesn't really mean anything to him. I love that he was drunk and the nightmares, because that's Dean and I wouldn't expect anything less...and that he looked for a way to get to Sam...DEANNNN! ♥  ='(
You promised you’d leave it alone.
I swear, the two of them...What gives them the right to decide what Dean needs!? 
Of course I didn’t leave it alone. A damn year? You couldn’t put me outta my misery?
I get it wasn’t easy. But that’s life. And it’s as close to happiness as I’ve ever seen a hunter get. Ain’t like I wanted to lie to you, son. But you were out Dean.
Do I look out to you?
Me and Sam, we're gonna head out.
How long?
Is she honestly this stupid? Sam's back. Dean's gone. That's it.
I should've known that if I stayed with you that something would come because something always does.
Dean. Tell her! Tell her you're leaving!! ...LEAVE!
btw...oh, so pretty...♥
You're saying goodbye.
Now she gets it....
I'm saying I'm sorry. For everything. 
Dean...why don't you!? ='(
You're an idiot.
Yeah? Right back at ya! ...REALLY don't care for her attitude!
She wants a guy that Ben could look up to. My GOD is she desperate for a father-figure! Are her standards really that low!? I'm not saying Dean isn't the best guy out there (cuz he is, just ask Cas...) but he's a hunter and how could she possibly want that for her kid?
 The best year of her life was the worst of Dean's...she's insane. Leave her, Dean! You're better than that.
 Stock up and wait. That's the plan?
Why doesn't anyone think Dean still knows what he's doing? I hate the way EVERYONE is treating him!!
That's right baby, bring it!
Dean doesn't like all the hunters in the house...well if he wanted to keep them out of that life, HE SHOULD NEVER HAVE GONE TO HER IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Haha, Jensen golfs. =) ♥my spn family

SO don't trust this guy...
OMG his eyes...♥

 Dean reminds him of Mary...♥
 ...huh, I can see that.♥ ='/
I may not trust him, but I want Dean back out there...more than anything. ='(
 And so does he...♥ Just look how much it hurts him to stay here... ='(
 If Samuel can get Dean back on the road...I still won't trust him but I'll be grateful.
 ...pretty about brotherly is something no one else has experienced. They really do need to share more!

I'm amazed that Dean's even talking about anything...
my GOD he's beautiful ♥

  ...of course they're interrupted!
This is happening because of me!
Yeah, well, you shouldn't have come here...ugh!
That bitch from the bar...
That's for our father.
What. The. Hell!? ...that Djinn he killed in s.2?
 Nice to know Dean's biggest fear is them being involved in his life. Why the hell put them in that position in the first place, huh!? How did either of them think it was a good idea for Dean to live a normal life. He can't. And neither will they if he stays...

Leave, Dean! This will happen. Maybe not this way, but somehow, something will find you and them but if you just go...they'll be safe and you'll be happy. Just go...
Collecting monsters, are we Samuel? NEVER trusted him! And the boys shouldn't either...

That's Dean's bike. ...just one more reason to hate her.
I practically shoved you at them...I really wanted that for you and when I told you to go, I thought you could have it. But now I'm not so sure. You'll be putting them in danger if you go back.
LOVE the end of episode bonding moment!♥ ...and the fact that at least Sammy's making sense.
So what, it's better to leave them alone, unprotected and then they're nt in danger? I did this to them. I made them vulnerable the moment I knocked on their door and I can't undo that. But what I can do is go with the best option.

Dean's...being Dean. Blaming himself for Lisa and Ben's situation and deeming it his responsibility to protect them because he was too stupid to think for himself and put them in danger in the first place...
Sam wants Dean with him. ='(
Don't be stupid.
Listen to your brother, Dean... Yes, your rusty and reckless...but you save lives. You take risks to save people because you care when Sam wouldn't even try. You're so much better as a team and Sam's back so why not!? ='(
She should be hunting, take her. D'=
I already got my car set up the way I like it.
This right here makes everything else he's ever done forgivable. I have never loved him more...♥
image number 1967 btw...
Them splitting up tore me apart. It's one thing when they're separated by death...but when it's by choice... ='(
Last time they split up, Sam said yes and destroyed the world. Sure, Dean came back and made sure that never happened but my point stands. They don't do well apart. Never have... ='(  ='(  ='(
 GO Dean! You want to...just go with him.  ='(  ='(  ='(  ='(
image number...2005♥
 ...and I cried for abut 10 minutes after that

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I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel