Monday, October 11, 2010

RS&F repost: Apr. fic recs, prt2

Last of the lost fics here. I wish there was some big news to put with this, but it's just fic. I'm tired and really want everything to balance out, but it seems I have to choose between school and Supernatural. The latter totally wins, but it can't soo...fml. =/

  ~*Fic Recs*~ 

★ - favorite (*)
- love (**+)

Ravenous | R | 5.14 | pre-slash | by annundriel
Dean's not broken; he just didn't know what he was hungering for.

1. Fallen Angel | PG-13 | 5.03 | wing!fic | established | by heavenlyxbodies
It’s surprising what will bring the boys together- a song and a brother who just won’t let it go.

2. Remembrance | NC-17 | S.4 | wing!fic | established | by heavenlyxbodies
Castiel tells Dean about being pulled from the Pit.

Sacrifices | PG | S.5 | first time | by heavenlyxbodies
Dean's broken, used and discarded by Michael... Cas makes a request

Stupid Angel | R | 5.13 | first time | by heavenlyxbodies
Castiel lay more on than off the bed with the Winchesters looking down on him.

Tally | PG | 5.04 | SAD! | by luchia13
Chuck kept track of how things went wrong.

Tell Me Something You'd Tell a Fool | R | S.4 | established | wing!fic | by eggblue
In which Dean makes an argument for angels having orgasms, and sex ensues.

The Book Your Soul is Writing | NC-17 | S.4 | dream!sex | first time | by mithrel
Dean's been having dreams.

Enlightenment | PG | 5.04 | pre-slash | by mithrel
Humans have many sayings about change.

Binding | NC-17 | S.4 | established | by mithrel
Dean doesn't know how he let Cas talk him into this.

The Uncomfortable Truth About Being Prophesized | R | 4.18 | established | by luchia13
The Prophet Chuck knows all, and that really isn't helping Dean's valiant attempts at denial.

There's Not a Step We Can Take That Does Not Bring Us Together | NC-17 | 5.03 | first time | by annundriel
Castiel doesn't recognize this new feeling sinking in around Dean until it's already taken hold, set down roots, and begun to grow.

Through That to This | G | 5.06 | post-A | first time | by annundriel
The world doesn't end, now Castiel has to choose.

Time to Spare | R | 5.02 | established | by annundriel
Castiel can feel the heat from Dean’s body even through the layers of clothing that separate them.


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I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel