Tuesday, October 5, 2010

West Anaximander Collins

After two weeks of silence, Misha tweets his big news:

September 23rd, 2010
my feelings:
btw, this is the cutest thing ever!
♥...and the perfect way to show my new-found support
Okay...first off, Congrats. I mean it...

I'll start with the least crazy thing...when Johnny Depp had Lily Rose, he was really excited and shared all that joy on Leno or some other late night talk show. Later, he got a call from Marlin Brando saying that it's his life and no one needs to know about something that personal. He agreed and sought vengeance on all paparazzi who dared attempt to take his kids pictures.

I have great respect for the man who played Captain Jack Sparrow and practically saved my life ('nother story). So, when the paparazzi got lucky and pics of his family showed up in the tabloids, I ignored them all. Six years later, I still have no idea what his kids look like.

Because of this, I can't look at my fave stars' kids...even Downey who's son played a younger version of himself on Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang and did a few photo shoots with for the purpose of being published.

Misha is no exception. I can't even look at pics of his siblings...it's weird.


Now for the part I don't feel so good about. I started watching Supernatural s.5 on December 23, 2009...okay, I attempted to watched s.5 that night but nothing went right and I didn't start 'til at least 1am on the 24th.

Anyway, after the first four episodes, I was hooked on the Dean/Cas relationship and started reading fic immediately the next morning and shortly realized I was falling for Cas...

If I'm being honest, it started 4.16 when Cas first considered disobedience but didn't know how to go about it...really hit home at the time; hell, it still does.

Anyway, things progressed and I slowly started falling for the man, not the angel...

I met him seven months later at NJCon and knew I'd fallen. Then Jared had to go and open his big mouth and out Misha and his baby secret at VanCon. I had no clue, but apparently EVERYONE suspected. How out of the loop could I possibly be!?

It hit me hard, as would be expected by anyone who knows me and how I get...but the worst of it was, the entire time I was falling for him, his wife was pregnant.

Took a while, but I was able to put it out of my mind, but it was always there, just out of reach.

It dawned on me that Jensen got married two days after the s.5 finale and, with my luck, Misha would have his kid for the premiere of s.6, I just knew it!

It's not always fun to be right...

Writing this was extremely helpful. I'm pretty sure I felt this same way about Johnny a while back and I...came to terms with it. It's just that I've been so emotionally connected to Supernatural for five years and everything about it feels personal. Including their personal lives...

It took a while, but Johnny became okay again...although he is 47 and it became increasingly difficult to think of him like that but he's still one of my favorite actors and Pirates will always be my favorite movie of all time.

In time, the same can be said for Misha...and Supernatural will always be my #1 drug of choice. It might not even take as long as I thought...

...I can honestly say, Congradulations Misha♥

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I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel