Wednesday, November 3, 2010

6.06 - You Can't Handle The Truth

Okay, so I saw this one in PA with my friend Rachel after an 8hr drive down, dinner at Friendly's spent watching the clock and trying in vain to keep our minds off the few short hours 'til 9:00...
**comment on facebook page** 
screencaps by crystal_caps

He said he'd call, but of course he never did. But I don't know, I just...we had such a good time. I should call him right? think?I mean should I call him. I don't know...
Never thought I'd have these problems again...but this is how we spent the trip down. lol.
I honestly didn't see Sam back there before. Stupid motel TV...
We FINALLY get to find out about Sam! I'm so glad Dean caught on. ...and this pic = ♥
'Course I called Cas, he ain't answering. Screw him. I can't wait anymore.
You so want to and don't worry Dean, I'm sure he'll come when you start wihout him ;)
Lisa still isn't talking to him =D ...btw, pretty♥
...Dean's scared, -and incredibly pretty! GOD those eyes♥
It's a new more caring administration
I thought Dean was on the other side of the room...oh wait, that was Sam. =/
She's lying, that's a tell. Tru Calling! ...just sayin', that's where I learned it. Oh, Harrison...♥
I love how Dean keeps watching him.
Sam's a dick. WTH?
Dean's getting worried...
 Sam...that's so unattractive, sweetie. You're a dick.
...Dean's still watching him.
So glad I got that wisdom tooth out weeks ago. lol. ...btw, dude's name is Paul (PA Ren Faire was all about Paolo♥)
I hate how scared he is of his own brother...
My skin crawls bein' in the same room with him. Why don't you look that up.

Every time he brings up Lucifer, it just doesn't feel right. Sort of "been there, done that" he's locked back in the pit. This is something else. I'm sticking to my 'no soul' theory but I kept an open mind throughout the episode, didn't dwell on my own opinion because we'd be learning the truth eventually...


Maybe it's just Sam.
...huh. Makes sense. When Dean went to Hell, Sam...changed. Hell, when the Trickster-turned-archangel killed Dean for six months, Sam changed. ...but he was never this far gone, always able to come back, but this...
Dean knows it, too. He just doesn't wanna believe it. He'd rather think his brothers still in the cage and kill whatever's with him than truly believe Sam has changed this drastically. I love that about him.
Look who's at the top of the list... ("Cass" is how they spell it in the script, I, and many others, prefer "Cas" but at least I know what to look for ;)
Notice: When Lisa's name is on the screen, "Cass" isn't, and vice-versa. ...tell me I'm not reading too much into this!♥
Dean is actually terrified of his brother...
S- Dentist drilled a guy to death.
D- You mean the non-sexy kind of drilling?
Would this dentist drilling a guy to death be sexy, Dean?'s great how his mind goes there!
I'm gonna do a little research.
The cycle is complete. They've now fully transformed into each other. lol...i
At least Sam's weirded out about it...
Doppleganger...believe it or not, this has actually come up in conversation. Still doesn't feel right, though. I am willing to believe Bobby's theory...
LOVE how I'm skipping through everything...when they're not together, things are I don't know how to deal with it. I hate it when they fight or hide things from each other...this is all that and more condensed into one 40min episode.

GABRIEL!♥ I really miss that angel. =/
Castiel, hello. Possible loose nuke down here, kinda your department. You hear that Cas!? he spends alot of time mumbling to his angel. Pretty sure Cas hears him, too. Every time.♥
CAS!♥ My GOD is he gorgeous...
...but he's not here because of Sam, and this time there's no doubting his motives. Although I'm pretty sure that whenever he hears Dean calling for him, he wants there to be reason enough for him to answer.
At least we know Sam isn't Lucifer. ...okay, so maybe seeing this clip totally numbed me to the Lucifer least Cas can give him something.
This. Is. BEAUTIFUL!♥♥♥
THE most intimate thing they have EVER DONE!
Rescue Me, idk what season...Garrity's dating Tommy's sister Maggie. Tommy figures this out when Garrity takes the cherry out of her drink. He later explains his discovery based on the intimacy of the action; knowing someone well enough to do something so small and seemingly insignificant because of their relationship status...that's exactly what this is.♥
Cas is beautiful, too.♥
...and Dean just stares at him, letting his angel refill his glass♥
I love the way they look at each other...
What happened to you, Cas? You used to be human, or at least like one.
Dean is physically hurting due to the loss of his once human-like angel lover friend, wants him to be human again so they can have that.
I honestly thought Cas would take offense and disappear or smite him or something. That he didn't speaks does this look; like if he were human or what he once was, they would no longer be vertical. He does seem to understand Dean, maybe even agree with him - and miss it.
Certain, regrettable things are required of me.
He's once again caught between Heaven and Dean. He'll probly have to choose again and...yeah, he's a bit hesitant right now, but it's always been Dean.
When I watched this clip, I cried. Harder still when Cas left. I hate this...
(thankfully, I was able to hold it together in PA. lol)
...he's back? Dean didn't expect that either. lol.
D- You were gone two seconds, where did you look?
C- Everywhere.
Dean should know this. It's fact. lmao. Don't ever change, Cas♥
C- Dean, about your brother... I don't know what's wrong with him, but I do want to help. I'll make inquiries.
...if only that were enough. TAKE THE PLUNGE, CAS! Be with your human...he needs you.
I get it, Dean. You wanna believe in him like you always could, much has gone wrong already, nothing's the way it used to be and Cas is never around anymore. You want him there, but he doesn't come for you anymore and chances are he won't again...he's proven that now and it's too much.
I get it. ='/
This is a GREAT camera angle; very creative!
If I hadn't been so distracted by the flies (Pestilence! OMG how could I not...!) and small tv, I might've noticed something here. Although, no case can catch my attention more than the boys themselves.
...mainly Dean.

Yeah, that's what I want taking up my entire screen!
Oh, Dean...♥♥♥♥♥
I'm sitting like this so you'll look at my breasts.
Bet alot of women do that with Dean in the room.
But he has Lisa. No need for random-bar-chick hook-ups.
Love you Dean!
...and he's back! lol.'re really not the type to be tied down.
Whoa, whoa! Hey, c'mon ma-now I'm scarred for life.
lmao. I love that we get to know everybody's secrets...
 Dean is Bobby's his favorite! lmao. =D
NO! No..nuh-uh. 
...really wish this thing was animated, I'll keep a look out. ;)
So cute!♥

Lisa!? OMG This has to be it! =)
Lisa, I'm sorry but this is probably the worst time in the universe to talk. Can we do this later?
NO! It's the perfect time! Do NOT take this away from me!
You shoved my kid, Dean. How 'bout we do this now.
Only time I will ever LOVER HER! ...yeah, I said it.
Dean. You know, if you just told her, she'd understand. ...still wouldn't want you around, but she also wouldn't hate you. Sometimes I love how stupid he is...
L- You wanna know the truth?
D- Probably not.
...the minute he walked through that door I knew it was over.
Seriously LOVING her right now! =)
I know it's killing him, but like I've been saying all along; he doesn't belong there. It's not his life. He used to know this...and with Sam back, it never can be.
Sam and Dean have MANY issues...but that's what makes them, them. It's all about family, and they're all each other has; they're all each other has ever had.♥
Me and Ben can't be in this with you. 
No matter what he'd said, it would always end like this...and he knows it.
It's not that I don't want him to be happy - because I do...with Cas. lol. But if either of them are ever TRULY's over.
I'm so good at blocking out crap I don't wanna deal with. Any lone screen-time with Sammy and I'm out...
When that vamp attacked me, why did you just stand there?
I didn't.

You did!

I froze. didn't. =/

Then it was too late.
I wanted to believe him, should've been able to but...remembering the way he stopped, the look on his face... The fact that he can lie right now was scaring the crap outta me. What. The Hell!?

And Dean wants to believe him; has no reason not to. Not here. I was fine until Dean started crying.
...btw, he's beautiful♥
I got your back. I always have.
You have before, but now...
 Thanks, Sammy. ♥ =/
Sam... *shakes head*
I'm jut going along for the ride now...clueless about EVERYTHING and not really in the mood to theorize. It'd been a long day and Sammy was breaking my heart...
She's creepy.
You're adorable.♥ ...really loving him on that bed ;)
Yeah, he's settling himself right back into his old lifestyle♥♥♥ Dean's tongue tastes pretty good, too ;)
Sam's actually kinda cute over there...must be the lighting. lol.
Better now. As of yesterday I wanted to kill him in his sleep. I thought he was a monster. But now I think...he's just acting like me.
LOVE hearing what he really thinks. Better yet, Sam gets to hear what he really thinks! ...Dean's always known that someday his brother would turn into a monster, something he'd want to kill. Never thought we'd actually get this far, but apparently that day has come.
I told myself I wanted out; that I wanted a family. ...but what I'm good at is slicing throats. I ain't a father. I'm a killer, and there's no changing that. I know that now. 
He FINALLY gets it!♥
Sam's turn...can he lie to her?
Love that he still looks to Dean like that.
Dean's so beautiful when angsty...
D= The way he answers; his face in general, says he can still lie...
She verifies.
Dean... D=
You're not human
D= NOOO!!!
This show is tearing me apart!

Now the promo pics make sense...
She was right. There's something wrong with me. Really wrong. I've known it for a while. I lied to you, yeah. And I let you get turned by that vamp because I knew there was a cure, Dean, and we needed in that nest, and I knew you could handle it., it takes all this for Sam to talk to his brother. They've never been good at this, but you'd think they'd've learned by now! ...btw, LOVE that I know my boys (and show) so well! Everything Sam is saying, I used in his defense because - to love Dean is to love Sam and, I do...♥ but it still doesn't excuse the way he's been treating Dean, or anyone else for that matter... =/

D- I could've died. I could've killed Ben.
S- I know and that should stop me cold. I just don't feel it...nothing scares me anymore because I can't feel it. I don't know what's wrong with me. I think...I need help.
This I can believe.♥
Dean... ='/
I'm really surprised Dean turned his back to Sam right now...I guess putting down the weapon might make it a bit easier to lessen the probability of an attack...and I was actually expecting one. =/
...Sammy. He almost looks like himself again. ='(
 ...payback for what Lucifer did to him, not to mention a year's worth of anger and frustration; all the lies and bullshit he's had to put up with. ...watching this physically hurts me
That was a shitty ending to a surprisingly disappointing episode. ...even "To Be Continued" would've been better than this! D=<


Next week's promo made everything better =D

Cas- It's his soul. It's gone.

=D  =D  =D  =D


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I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel