Friday, November 19, 2010

6.08 - All Dogs Go to Heaven

The title alone...Cas should've been in this one. =/

Anyway, this was one of my favorite movies as a kid! I recently bought it on DVD along with the second one and every time I think of the episode, this song comes to mind. =P

**comment on facebook page** 
screencaps by crystal_caps and toxicangel
I wasn't really feeling this episode either, but there's a few things I do wanna touch on...

D- Strippers, Sammy. Strippers. (4.14)
I miss my boys... =(
There's gotta be another way.
s.5 catch phrase yet again...still love it!
Dean, you're gonna get your brother thrown back into the pit; you now that, right!?
Is that Bobby Singer? Give him a kiss for me.
Oh, so wrong, but...♥s.5 =/
Everything said here was said last episode. This conversation is becoming redundant and it's really starting to bug me. (funny, I was never bothered by the excessive mention of "there has to be another way" last season...)
You'd sell your brother for a dollar right now if you really needed  a soda.
I hate to think it's true, probably is. =/
Dean's pretty.♥
Dean... =/
Damn... Alpha and  Sam gets his soul back? Really? can't be that easy. =/
I'm working for a demon. I don't even know who you are. I just need a second to adjust.
Dean's always prided himself on killing demons, never siding with them; that's Sam's area. I hate to see him forced into this... =/
At least Sam still...thinks like Sam. In some areas. It's not great but it's a start...
...I still think about Suzie Hieser.
D- Biology class, Suzie Hieser? =)
...reconnecting a bit...this is good.♥
I can't take back what I did, but I'm still your brother.
...idk Sam. =/
Dean's not too sure, either. =/
dick monkeys? 'bout cunt monkey? (Lianne, lmao)
Sleeping Dean is beautiful...♥ him all laid out like that...
Oh, and that ass...mhmm! Damn he's gorgeous!♥
Oh, Dean♥
 ...completely missed that entire conversation, btw. lmao!
It's Charlie Barkin! lol.
guy- You love your brother of course, but Ron had a lot of problems...
Sounds familiar...why the hell does the case tying in with their lives bug the crap outta me now? I used to think that was, I guess it's just, idk, expected... =/

S- Bag him now?
D- No, we make sure.
Yes, really! What the hell, Sam!? =/
I love how dirty the car is...she's been well-used and it's a beautiful thing♥
Of course, right when they leave, shit goes down. lol
...Charlie never expected to go to Heaven
SAM! ...okay, wait a second. lol!


This is Sam Merlotte from the hit HBO original series True Blood, based on the novels by Charlaine Harris. He owns a bar in Bon Temps, Louisiana.
...and he's a shifter.
. . .

I think I'll call you Dean. Dean the Dog.
Harris has the rights to the Sam/Dean thing, having published Dead Until Dark in 2001. Still, you gotta admit: it's pretty awesome!

...such a pretty puppy!
...btw, Sam isn't a perv! He put his paw over his eyes when Sookie was changing, he's such a gentleman.
Also, she hid in the shower when she woke up to him at the foot of the bed, thinking he was the killer, and that's when Sam finally told her what he was.
Down to one suspect and Sam's ready to bag her. Now.
...Dean is seriously adorable♥
Dean checks the facts, makes sure she's actually at fault here before handing her over to Crowley.
S- Last werewolf was in bed with me and she wolfed-out.
D- Don't make this personal. he even cares, Dean. =/
I'm just gonna watch her. That's all. Trust me.
...yeah, no.
He doesn't. ...I don't blame you Dean... =/
Cuz that's not creepy or anything...
Gotta say, love the face! least he knows who's really behind all the murders.
...kinda cute here =)
GOD Sammy! Just take the freakin' shot! WTH!?
Merlotte shifts on the run, too. Just can't find a 'cap for it, =P
That's my dog.
Good cover, sam. ...Jared has (had?) dogs...that's all I could think of here. lol.
Again with this! Really!? Let it go, Dean!
Skinwalker, huh? New Monster! =D
This should make things real easy...
Dean is so cute!'s the dog. lol. =)
Roll over, Lucky. Speak.
You're such a dick, Sam.
L- Go to Hell.
S- Already been. Didn't agree with me.
If he wasn't being such a DICK, this would be funnier...
Torture, Sam? Really!?
You don't have to tell me why you're with the family, I get it.
OH! Here we go...! This is my issue with Dean! >=/
You're gonna put the girl and the little boy in danger. And sooner or later, all this crap is gonna come for them.
You're just SCREAMING the paralell here, ya know that!? He really needs to to stop with this shit, it's over, it was a mistake...they're safer without you Dean. Just, STOP!
And then there's Sam...stop being a dick! Seriously! ...they're both just bugging the crap outta me right now!
You put your jaws around that little boy's throat, clamp down, listen to him cry for his mom.
Drawing on personal, vampire experience here, too, huh... >=/
I'm gonna guess these are the only people who in your pathetic life have ever showed you any kindness.
Alright, that's it. No. There are plenty of peopel who care about you Dean. Sure, most of them are dead or soulless or too caught up in their own bullshit, but that doesn't mean they never cared about you!
This place looks familiar...
Okay, not the same place, but it has a s.5 feel ot
Mighty big gun you have there, Dean... ; )
The pack leader, we're taking him down?
Yeah. You got a better idea?
No, it's just...Crowley's not gonna be happy about that.
Aside from willingly being a demon's bitch, the hair in his face is the only thing really annoying me here...
Who gives a rat's ass.

cutie ; )
It could lead us to an Alpha and Crowley would give me my soul back.
...seriously, the hair!
What, are you kidding? 150 people turned into monsters, is that what you want?
OMG is he beautiful...those eyes..mmm♥
No, 'course not...I'm just asking.
Oh, Sammy... =/
You know what, that's it...Truth is, I don't know what you are, cuz you're not Sam. I mean, it's your gigantor body and maybe your brain, but it's not you.
Well, one of my issues brought to the soulless!Sam needs to call Dean out on this Lisa and Ben thing!
So just stop pretending.
If he didn't want his brother back, Dean would ditch him first chance he got.
Do us both a favor.
...if Sam keeps this up, he still might =/
This looks awesome...but the distance between them might as well be miles. =/
I'd double cross us.
Nice to know where you're head's at, Sam...
Thanks, Dexter, that's reassuring. 
...Dexter killed his brother. =/
There's never been any double-crossing, but he didn't have any emotions; functioning purely on instinct...humanity was incomprehensible.
...watching seasons 1-4 of Dexter was actually a big contributor to my falling for Cas in s.5. =P

This is incredibly sexy btw...
LOVE IT! Dean handles the gun while Sam an only watch.
S- Take the shot.
D- I'm trying. She's in the way.
S-  Take it anyway.
D'= ...Sam?
Sam's on the ground while Dean keeps his distance, surveying the scene before him and keeping an eye on Sam who's become more of an action man...
Is that a wolf!?
...back-up weapon. Love you Dean!♥
Dean, please shoot your brother. Leg shot, just stop him.
...kinda sexy, btw♥
It's not that I like this guy or anything...frankly, I could care less about what happens to him, but the dog's pretty and Dean's been keeping him alive; he feels some sort of twisted connection and even though it involves Lisa...I have his back in everything.♥
I don't usually find Sam attractive fully clothed or blood-free, so...this goes here! =)
...this will happen to Dean eventually, if he tries to go back.
Poor puppy... =(
This reminds me of 5.02, what with the picnic bench. That's probably where this is headed...

...they're even on the same sides as they were then! =/

Sooo...Sam's running on basic human instinct alone, and finally owning up to it. Really sucks to hear everything he no longer cares about, especially when all he wants form Dean is help getting his soul back and could care less about him otherwise...
I've been thinking, I was that other Sam for a long time (28yrs, asshole!) and it was kinda harder, but there are also things about it I remember that I...let's just say I should probably go back to being him.
You're damn right!
Dean. Is. Beautiful!♥'s a step.
Totally sgree.♥
So Freakin' Gorgeous!♥
We do what we gotta do, and we get my brother back.
...his god I love my show!
So like 5.02, yet so different...and I don't just mean the scenery. They didn't split up, they're in this together and Sam's finally trying. At this point, I couldn't ask for more. ...maybe a little Dean/Cas action. ; )



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I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel