Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Nov. 2010 fic recs: deancastiel

Okay, so I'm posting late again...There's just so many! lol. Here's what was up before with a few I took out fr the next post. I'm never gonna try to switch it up again!

I had a really great night tonight, so I'm even more off than usual, but here: FIC!
Is it Dec. 3rd Yet!?
~*Fic Recs*~

- favorite (*)
- love (**+)

Befitting | NC-17 | s.5 | established | by thegrrrl2002
Dean had no idea a suit could be so sexy until Castiel came into the scene.

Rarely Pure, Never Simple | PG-13 | 6.06 | pre-slash | by moorishflower
Alcohol, as it turns out, does not dull the effects of curses. It does, however, result in drunken phone calls to angels

Stuck on Repeat, Hear the Disk Skip | PG-13 | 6.07 | first time | by xxkaytayxx
 Castiel's lost and fighting, and Dean's drowning and demanding. Everything is still the same.

For Better or Worse | NC-17 | s.5 | established | by TBA
Dean and Castiel get married.

Couldn’t or Wouldn’t | R | 6.05 | established | by ru_salki99
Castiel comes to visit Dean.

Creeping Through the Window | PG-13 | AU | first time | by TBA
Dean Winchester lucks out and gets into the college of his choice. He’s not as lucky when it comes to his roommate.

White Blank Page | PG-13 | 5.22 | first time | by TBA
In which Chuck dithers, Cas exceeds expectations, Dean’s not talking about it and Sam is just trying not to think about it.
Castiel’s eyes shine with affection as Dean explains how to crack a grid code, and Dean realizes that Castiel, as usual, is five steps ahead of him – he may have just started to discover what Cas means to him, but Cas has always known.

Taking Refuge | NC-17 | 5.18 | AU | by neenascabana
Castiel’s light was nearly extinguished, and his brothers want nothing more than to snuff it out entirely, with one exception: Gabriel. Deciding it’s time to step up to the plate, the archangel hides his little brother away to give him time to heal. What better place to hide the angel than in his own vessel, Jimmy Novak, circa 1989? And who better to look after him than Dean and Sam Winchester? Let the games begin!

I Think I’m in Love | PG-13 | s.6 | first time | by TBA
Sam’s always been better at expressing Dean’s feelings for him.

Might Be a Fantasy  | PG | 5.16 | established | by bittersweet_fic
It was home. It was really home. All these years and the only place Dean ever referred to as home was the house his parents had bought when they got married, the place he'd spent the first four years of his life. Dean and Cas were standing in the hall. Dean's bedroom was on the left. The nursery was down the hall. Dean still remembered the smell of the fire that night. He worried sometimes that he'd forget what those four years were like, forget his mom. Dean had trouble breathing as he realized where he was.

In the final battle of Armageddon, Dean is severely injured. As he suffers through pain and multiple 
surgeries and the possibility of permanent disability, Castiel is granted a reward by Heaven that Dean 
struggles with understanding, Sam makes a decision that throws Dean for a loop, and a ten year old boy 
finds out his father is the man he always wished it was, but nothing like he expected. Somehow these 
four take something very broken and dysfunctional and make it into a family.

Bring it On Home | NC-17 | s.5 | first time | by TBA
Cas is beginning to display emotions. This wouldn’t be so bad, were it not for the fact that the emotions seem to be centering themselves on Dean. Dean is oblivious, of course; Sam, on the other hand, is not. Sam’s never tried his hand at matchmaking before, but it can’t be so hard, right?

Higher Devotion | R | s.5 | first time | by melfice
It's the last straw when Dean tries to walk away and Castiel grabs his shoulder – like Dean is something he can control.

Letting in the Light | NC-17 | AU | by TBA
After barely scraping through the first semester at Kansas U, Dean’s determined to change his attitude and try harder, starting with the relationship he has with his elusive roommate Castiel.

Guardian Angels Come With Sex… | NC-17 | s.6 | pre-slash | by rchginger
Cas is always watching even if Dean doesn’t know it.

Interacting with Humans 101 | NC-17 | s.6 | established | by otp_destiel
Out of the blue, Dean starts getting visits from random angels asking him inane questions.

When Memory Fails | PG-13 | 5.03/.04 | by TBA
He's in a hotel room with fake IDs, fake (or stolen) credit cards, guns and knives, lighter fluid and a lighter that's been in a fire hot enough to scorch metal, and he doesn't know who he is.

Sam is a Genius (Everyone is Dumb) | PG-13 | s.5 | established | by TBA
Dean is doing stuff. Castiel is getting stuff done to him. It seems like the only one who understands what “stuff” actually means is Sam. Sometimes it’s hard being the smart one.

[funny as hell]


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I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel