Friday, December 17, 2010

Dec. fic recs, deancastiel

I haven't had much time...

~*Fic Recs*~

- favorite (*)
- love (**+)
1. It’s Easy Once You Know How It’s Done | R | s.6 | first time | by oddlyfamiliar
Dean's done this many, many times before. So why is he so nervous?

2. Hands On Experience Required | NC-17 | s.6 | first time | by oddlyfamiliar
Castiel returns the next night for another lesson...


Taste Your Beating Heart | R | 6.10 | first time | by wandersfound
He channels all his jealousy into it, all the anger he shouldn’t be feeling because Castiel’s just trying to cope.

Five Drabbles… | PG-13 | series | varies | by tasty_boots 
Why does it seem to rain wherever he goes? ; Dean has no choice but to punch Gordon Walker in the face. ; “Oh, don’t you, Dean, me.” ; “You need to stay awake until Sam gets back.” ; “Are we… Are we cuddling?

Castiel’s Guide to Wooing a Winchester | PG-13 | s.5 | first time | by TBA
Castiel had never doubted that he was meant for Dean. Getting Dean to see it proved another matter entirely.

Lazy Day | PG | s.6 | first time | by zeppx
The boys have a lazy Sunday


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I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel