Friday, February 4, 2011

6.09 - Clap Your Hands if You Believe...

WOW this took a while! ...real life is getting in the way of my obsession! What is happening here!? At least I'll get one of these up before tonight when the two-month hellatus finally comes to an end! =D

**comment on facebook page** 
screencaps by crystal_caps and toxicangel

"Signs"...ugh. lol
Damn I'm lonely...
OKAY! Back to the show!

So...aliens. We know it's not, but if there were...that's bigger than angels.
 Surprise!Cas!?!? OMG!
...yea, not so much >=/
Of course it's not UFO's, it's fairies.
Oh, Dean♥
My apologies.
Cas' catch phrase for being in Dean's personal space...this coming from Dean is pretty sweet.
(ya know that thing about couples who spend a lot of time together...)
What? You gotta ask? Right, yes, you do have to ask.
It's like he's teaching Cas to be human all over again...only Cas was willing to learn. Sam? ...not so much =/
I was faking it Dean. Ever since we got back on the road, I've been picking every word; it's exhausting. 
Been there... =/

I'll be your conscience.
...I thought of that a few episodes back. lol.
 He sure knows something...
D- I think he's hiding something.
Do not engage with, maim or in any way kill Brennan. In fact, I don't want you making any judgement calls whatsoever. Anything happens, call me.
EXACTLY what I was thinking last episode. Dean and I...we're on the same page here. I love my man...♥
 Well the smarter brother's back and Sam, you were not doing fine.
Holy... wish ;)

Wow, you do wish, huh...
S- Whoa, dude stop yelling; you're breaking up.
D- Close encounter! Close encounter!
S-Close encounter? What kind? First, second?
D- They're after me!
S- Third kind already? Better run man, I think the fourth kind is a butt thing.
That movie scared the shit outta me...horror movies don't scare me but The Fourth Kind; never again! Don't even get me started on Paranormal Activity...walk-throughs were bad enough but I've never seen it and I never will.
Empathy Sam! Empathy!
Really Sam!? ...WTH!?
They still after you?
Really Sam? =/
That's right Dean. Fight! ♥
I know the line is getting old, but...Sam's a dick!
Yay, he made it back! lol It's great to see you again Dean♥
...scared is a good look for him. =) know it's gonna happen! ;) if Dean's night wasn't bad enough already...LMAO! =D
They were shiny, incandescent douche bags. Goodnight.
She would've been a shoe-in for a young Lorelei...just saying. lol.
Oh Dean, watch where you sit! lmao. ♥
God help me Sam, there was this 'bright white light'.
You are so adorable, you know that...♥
It's okay. Safe room.
I think I prefer douchy!Sam. lol. And seriously, where that hand has been; no wonder Dean flinched...
Now, I'm not a fan of wincest, but it does hold some value like two unbelievable gorgeous guys that I'm completely in love with... In that sense, this is incredibly hot!
He's actually kind of adorable here...
Dean still finds it creepy, which it is, being soulless and all, but still...
D- Suddeny I was in a different place and there were these being and they were too bright to look at but I could feel them pulling me towards this sort of table...
S- Probing table.
D- God, don't say that out loud!
Aw, Dean...Cas is the only one allowed anywhere near his ass! ♥
I went crazy. I started hacking and slashing and firing. They actually seemed surprised. I don't think anybody's every done that before.
...see ;)
 He's so adorable when he says it...My GOD I'm in love with this man! ♥
I had a close encounter Sam, and I won.
Yea you did, baby! ♥
S- You should take a shower.
D- I should take a shower. I'm gonna take a shower now.
Like a rape-shower?
 ...whatever, I just wish we could've followed him. ;)
Sam has no soul; we get it! And I SWEAR if Lisa comes up one more time, I'm gonna lose it! This season, man... =/
...this is a pretty awesome picture though =)
♫-Space Oddity-
by David Bowie


It's too much to hope for this to be Cas, huh? =/
lmao Dean!
 Ben Edlund told us about this at Comic Con! OMG to see it played out... =D

Ah haha
I love you Dean.
LMAO! Perfect. =D
You don't see the...blech?
...btw, Dean's pretty =)
You don't see the ech, it's right there.
Of course it is're so freaking adorable♥
It was a little, naked lady, okay.
It was a little,
...of course it was Dean
 ...naked lady with nipples...
...and, she hit me...
OMG! ...just the way he says it, and that FACE♥♥♥
 ...they only take first born sons.
Ben? After seeing Cas in the opening sequence, I didn't bother to pay attention to the guest stars, plus idk who the actor is...but ANYWAY, could it be!? Are we going there? know there's something wrong when even I start thinking Ben is actually Dean's kid...what has this show done to me!?
 Unbelievably gorgeous...
Dean, did you service Oberon, king of the fairies? ♥♥♥
I'm not really sure how to interpret this...
 ...but he is beautiful♥
Sam seems to be as unsure as I am about that...I honestly can't tell...
So...fairies love cream, hate iron and burn when touched with silver. OH and the most degrating: no matter how powerful, they are compelled to count each grain of spilled sugar or to know.
Do you have bigger cups?
Oh,'d be so easy to love you again if you were =/

God is it on me, I feel like I've got the crazy on me.
So adorable.
Makes me wanna believe in UFO's again.
Yea, I'm good. Better fairies than aliens...I think it has a lot to do with the whole "extra terrestrial" thing. Weird shit from our planet is ok, but out there...not so much.
Shady watch maker...with cream.
Friggin' full of Keeblers over here man...
Oh Dean... He's so adorable when he's scared!♥
...then flight turns to fight and he gets deadly, mmm...♥
 It's a different guy Dean!
Oh, no...
Way to draw a crowd...
I'm just kidding.
Nice. Believeable even.
Fight the fairies! You fight those fairies!
Oh Dean...
Fight the fairies!
Famous last words?

I'm just trying to figure out what kind of hate crime this is...I mean, if he were an average sized homosexual, would that be okay with you?
This! ...soo freakin' hot. Just the way I like my boy; dangerous.♥
I'm just waiting for Cas to show up and bust him out...after having a little fun first I mean the bed's right there and it would probly help Dean's case if they were caught... ;)
S- My blue fairy gonna make me a real boy again.
L- When you wish upon a star...
A leprechaun can get his soul back? Makes a good case, but...a few days ago there was no such thing, can we really trust it? I don't think so... All the Pinochio references are sorta sweet, btw.
Okay, definitely would've preferred Cas...what does this thing want with Dean anyway? he didn't service Oberon, lmao!
Sammy wins! =D
Fairies are so easily distracted...much more endearing quality in a certain angel though. ♥

This is beautiful, Supernatural in all it's glory. It's never been about the monsters, it's just THEM.♥
You said no...why?
At least they're talking...
...and Dean's so pretty, 'specially all beat up, mmm♥

It was a deal.

Good point...Just making sure that's where you're head's at, you know not having second thoughts about getting your soul back. You're not, are you?

No.'re lying. ='(

Dean's pretty...SAMMY! ='/


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I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel