Monday, January 2, 2012

July 2011 fic recs: deancastiel

Blogging with a Mac is a lot different than my old PC. Took a while, but I think I've got the hang of it.

I got an iPhone for my trip to Vancouver and I just thought it'd be easier, and less creepy, to listen to music in the booth because headphones up there aren't a great idea. I didn't even think about the possibilities of internet connection.

Thus, work=hiding upstairs reading fic, starting the occasional movie. I love my job.

~*Fic Recs*~ 
 - favorite (*)
 love (**+)

 Two Good Reasons | NC-17 | first time | by electricskeptic
The thing about bad ideas is, they often have this way of working out for the best.

Pulling the Heart | 6.18 | NC-17 | established | by smokedsteps 
It’s different then when he went in for Bobby’s soul. Dean’s soul is right there, and Castiel is overwhelmed by the intensity of it as he pushes his curled fingers further into Dean’s stomach, through the pressure.
 Radar Love | NC-17 | established | by griffin9091
Long distance relationships suck.  Secret long distance relationships suck more.

Castiel doesn't come when called, practically ever, but because he's a selfish bastard, he comes when he needs to.
 There Are No Lies on Your Body | NC-17 | first time | by tiptoe39
s.7 right here!

They're driving down 66 a thousand miles from nowhere when something smacks into the car. Dean jams his foot onto the brake; the car screeches forward a few feet and then stops, tires scraping against the worn concrete. They both fight for a minute to control the panicked panting of their breath.

Come Down Off Your Cloud | NC-17 | established | by andlightplay
Cas shows up while Dean is alone in the hotel. The war in Heaven has Cas exhausted and haggard, and Dean decides to take care of him. I'd love Cas laid out on his belly on the bed, with Dean grooming/stroking his wings, massaging his sore shoulders/back, eventually leading to good sweaty wing-pulling sex. Bonus points for rimming!

Wings Wetted Down | 5.21 | R | first time | by cedarcliffe 
Castiel was an angel, and now he isn't.

The Tendon of Things | 6.22 | R | pre-slash | by fossarian
Dean's reasons to fight are dwindling.
 For Your Entertainment | NC-17 | first time | by heavenssong 
Later, Dean will probably say demons made him do it. He won't be lying.

Sam has figured out their latest case. Dean has other things on his mind.
 The Long Road Back (21/21) | 5.04 | NC-17 | established? | by bleeding-muse
Dean stops his future self from sending Cas and the others into a trap and Zachariah seems to be missing in action. Dean has to figure out where to go from here.

Love the Way You Tease | NC-17 | established | by herseyporn 
Dean hated being held out on. Leave it to a certain angel to make note.
 Accepting God | PG-13 | pre-slash | by otacon
Months have passed since Castiel went nuclear, but Dean still feels he's being watched..

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I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel