Saturday, August 14, 2010

1.01 - Pilot

1.01 - Pilot
This one’s gonna be really long because of all the introductions and case scenarios. Please bear with me; next one will be better, promise.

Took all this from my page over on facebook - but if this goes well, I may not use it at all. I'll link it back here if I add more there... anyway, picspam


Okay, so when you start this series, you start at the very beginning: November 2, 1983 - the night of Sam’s six-month birthday.

Little Dean!♥ …Who knew I’d fall head over heels for this kid?
He’s four years old here; the last time he was truly happy and that was even short-lived.

And Sam…he never stood a chance. :’(

Creepy shadow guy standing over Sam’s nursery that Mary assumes is John. I can’t believe she didn’t know something was off, but it makes for a great storyline.

So, John isn’t in Sam’s nursery…he’s asleep downstairs, watching some old war documentary -- it’s the ex-marine in him…

…now she gets it. I’d seen the promos; there’s nothing she can do.

Mary screams but of course once John gets there, there’s nothing to see. What the hell!? Ad why isn’t he more concerned with finding Mary?

Oh, so she’s on the ceiling. How are they gonna get her down?

Of course she bursts into flames. Can’t have any hope of survival. But OMG, the house is gonna burn down.
John - “No!”
YES! Now get the fuck out!

There ya go, John; get everybody out of the house…

That includes you, John! Really!? The kids are out so let’s go back in! There is nothing he can do for her, and he’s no good to the boys dead!

Cut to Dean on the lawn holding Sammy and John is still hasn’t come out. He never really did, to be honest; he never did leave Mary.
From this moment on, all the boys really have is each other. =/

I was so relieved when John ran outta the house and grabbed Dean. This show is intense…and so is the look in John’s eyes as his entire life burns down in front of him. There’s no going back from something like this. Mary’s death wasn’t natural and John will stop at nothing to find the thing that killed her.
I loved this show from the very beginning!♥ : )


This is where the story really begins, with the events of those twenty-two years filled in along the way.

Sammy all grown up and going to college! With a bit of the past still lingering…

So, Sam hates Halloween, has a beautiful girl and good friends, 147 LSAT victory with a chance at a free ride and an interview on Monday, all without the support of the family he lost touch with.

Oh, and without Jess, he’d crash and burn. Do I really need to point out how inevitable this feels? Thought not.

With the way this story’s been going, this could be just about anybody…

Sam’s first instinct is to fight the intruder…

Dean - “Whoa, easy Tiger.”
Sam - “Dean?”
Too bad he’s overpowered…by his brother of all people. But ooh, Dean can pin me down any day…

Pretty much lost focus on just about everything when Dean showed up…but they reacquaint themselves through fighting, Dean wins, goading his brother by saying he’s out of practice and ends up pinned for his trouble.

These boys haven’t seen each other in two years, and the reunion is less than glorious, but perfectly fitting for Winchesters.

Sam would rather stand beside his girlfriend than Dean…the symbolism can’t be missed.

“Dad’s on a hunting trip and he hasn’t been back in a few days.“

That gets Sam’s attention, and is the only thing that could get him to leave Jessica’s side. Shame that’s true...

Dean’s so pretty…♥

I know there’s a plot somewhere…

Dean's 26. hehe.

Okay, plot...after recounting their unorthodox upbringing, their father’s obsessive behavior and the initial separation as Sam tries desperately not to get sucked back into his old life, he agrees to spend the weekend back in the game to help Dean, but that’s it. With a look like that at his old toys; Sam obviously still feels right at home.

More Dean cuz I just can’t seem to stop. (but OMG, so pretty!)

Okay, if Sam’s done hunting, why does he keep weapons around the house?


♫ -Speaking in Tongues- ♫
by Eagles of Death Metal
...leads into the case in Jericho, California where a woman in white requests a ride home from a guy making excuses not to visit his girlfriend. Needless to say, he doesn’t survive the night.


♫ -Ramblin' Man- ♫
by Allman Brothers Band
This is where the boys belong; on the road, together.

The life of a hunter in a nutshell; gas station food for “breakfast”, credit card scams, hustling pool...

Oh yeah, and classic rock. Sam basically lists the soundtrack while complaining about Dean’s choice in music. (Greatest Hits of Mullet Rock)

Dean’s rules of the road:
“Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole"

♫ -Back in Black- ♫
by AC/DC


The boys impersonate Federal Marshals in order to gain information about a case that local authorities will never figure out the true nature of. Hey, whatever gets the job done.

Dean’s being a smartass…Sam does not approve. pretty ♥

“Agent Moulder, Scully”
Let the endless string of pop culture references begin…

Conning doesn’t end with the local authorities; it’s a very efficient way to gain the trust of witnesses or the victim’s families and, therefore, information which leads to the end of the “monster of the week’s” terror on the town.

“A pentagram is protection against evil. I mean, if you believe in that kind of thing.”
Sam is so proud of himself for knowing these things.

…until Dean opens his big sarcastic, unsupportive mouth

Local legends can prove extremely useful…not to mention fun for the fans when the boys talk in unison.
“What do they talk about?” …so cute ♥

I do love their brotherly moments.
“You are such a control freak” Oh, Dean.

Sam’s much better at research than you anyway… ♥Dean
...kinda early in the series for Dean to be looking at Sam like that... =/

Dean wants to keep looking for their dad…with Sam.

Sam just wants to get back to college.

“You’re one of us.”
With John missing, Dean just wants his brother back; some semblance of the only family he’s got left.

“Even if we do find the thing that killed her, mom’s gone and she’s never coming back.”

“Don’t talk about her like that.” you Dean♥

Family issues put on hold for life or death situation, great only way to break the tension between these two…

Yeah boys, let’s jump over the side, worked out so well for Constance...

Sam’s the smart one, he didn’t jump into the river…so where’s Dean? At least Sam’s worried about him.♥

Dean’s okay… : )

And Sam laughs about it. I love these two!

Sam-"You smell like a toilet”

Why is Dean so hot all covered in mud? Just look at that face; his eyes…ugh♥

1.04 commentary: Jared actually scared him here. lmao!

They found their dad…well, his room anyway. Looks like he left in a hurry.

“A woman in white…”
They just expect us to know what that means…. =| not cool. Guess I was kinda demanding since day one. lol.

Sam’s sorry about before…that’s nice of him. Too bad Dean won’t have it; in a good way - again, symbolism; Dean doesn’t need to hear it, he already knows.

"No chick-flick moments" - Dean’s number one rule; a rule he’ll live by no matter how closed-off he is from the rest of the world and how lonely that leaves him.

They have their own language:
“Alright...Jerk” …Sam gets it.

“Bitch” Epic.♥

Sammy needed to see this; to know his dad still cares… Did I cry at the very first episode? idk, but maybe; feels like I did, right here. Because no mater what happened, John still cares…

Of course Dean wants food, Dean always wants food.

Soooo…Mmmm, ♥Dean…

Oh, right, plot… *focus*
Good thing Dean left the room or they’d both be arrested.

Now he’ll never get that burger…
I joke now, but at the time I was really worried about him.♥

Cop - “You got anything that’s real?” Dean - “My boobs”
He thinks he’s cute. Well, he’s right, but…cop doesn't think so. *shakes head* god I love him…

John’s hunting journal. Dean’s unease is interesting…this show is just one surprise after the next …
(...with nothing openly revealed but constantly hinted at and built upon until there’s nothing left to hope for. -But I’m getting ahead of myself; seasons ahead, and that kind of angst didn’t exist in the early days and has no place here…when the boys actually smiled more than once in a blue moon and had something to hope for. :')

Interviewing the family of the “monster” is a bit more difficult than that of the recently dead. Old wounds don’t always heal and after so much time, no one wants to bring up things like that. But Sam is gentle and understanding with a comforting presence, puppy dog eyes and a reassuring tone. Basically someone people can really open up to and feel comfortable with when recounting painful memories.

John left his journal with co-ordinates for Dean to follow before taking off to let him finish the job and continue on.

Dean’s handcuffed, left alone…and makes a daring escape…
Did I mention I love him?

“Fake 911 phone call. I don’t know Sammy, that’s pretty illegal”

“You’re welcome.” 
(…gotta say, I love Sammy smiling. That doesn’t happen anymore. :’(

Dean has the joyous task of filling his brother in about John leaving.
...but damn does he look gorgeous doing it!

There’s an argument brewing, but it’s once again avoided by the case at hand.

Of course the case takes a personal turn involving one (or both) of the brothers. Happens all the time; it’s just part of the job - and often the best way to go about finishing it.

She wants to be taken home, so that’s just what Sam does, literally; Impala and all, joined by Dean shortly after where they are both pinned to the car and helpless…

As the ghosts of Constance’s children destroy her.

I really love Sam’s drawn-out, pain filled, attempt at a laugh when Dean pats his shoulder, moving him enough to agitate his wounds but just enough not to hurt him.


♫ -Highway to Hell- ♫
by AC/DC
A job well done has to end with AC/DC...

Turns out, the co-ordinates lead to Blackwater Ridge, Colorado; about 600 miles.

“If we shag ass, we can make it there by morning”
Dean is so hopeful that if he hints enough, Sam will come along. Hasn’t worked yet, but Dean is nothing if not persistent.

“The interview‘s in like ten hours. I gotta be there.”
But Sam won’t give an inch.

Dean is so defeated...and pretty♥
Why is it always cute when he's angsty (...and broken)?

…but recovers quickly, hiding behind a casual smile...while concealing nothing at all
“Alright, I‘ll take you home.”

Sam knows.


When they get back to Stanford, the boys say goodbye; but it’s what they aren’t saying that hurts the most…

Sam-“Call me if you find him.”
Dean- nods
Sam-“Maybe I can meet up with you later”
(Sam- “Goodbye, Dean.”)

Dean- “Yeah, alright.”
Dean- “I’ll miss you, Sammy.”

One last ditch effort…
Dean- “We made a hell of a team back there.”
Dean- “Sammy, I really need you here. Please come with me.”

Sam- “Yeah.”
Sam- “No, Dean.”

This would’ve been the last time they ever saw each other. :’(
I was actually too worried about how the writers would get these two back together to cry; that scene felt so final. Even without knowing the boys as well as I do now, I could tell. …that’s impressive!

This is where Sam thinks he belongs.

...but it was just never meant to but

Sam wasn’t gonna leave her…but, just like John with Mary, there’s nothing he could do, of course that wouldn’t stop him from trying.

Thankfully Dean didn’t go too far. What, staking out your brother’s apartment? Dean… *shakes head*

Saving Sammy’s ass once again, only this time he puts up more of a fight.

Sam wants revenge and finding his father is the only way he’ll be able to get that. Too bad Jess is the only reason he wants to look for him. But whatever gets him back in the game...and back on the road.
“We’ve got work to do.”

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I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel