Saturday, August 21, 2010

Jan. fic recs, deancastiel

Groped by an Angel is THE #1 site for Dean/Cas fic...I just didn't know it at the time. I did happen back every now and then, but it was just so new, I didn't want to stay in one place. Plus, it seemed kinda hard to find I know differently and deancastiel is all that I will be reccing with soon.

Enjoy the small posts while they last!

~*Fic Recs*~

★ - favorite (*) 
- love (**+)


If I Was a Body |  NC-17 | 4.10 |first time | by olympia_m
[No summary given and I just can't read it right now...]

What You Need | NC-17 | 4.08/.09 | first time | by xela_fic
Castiel had been Chosen. He'd received his instructions from On High: “Save Dean from Hell.” That had been easy and straight forward. But once he'd accomplished that, he had received another: “Be what Dean needs.”

Shadows of Grace | NC-17 | 4.10 | first time | by Lycanthrophile
Castiel’s grace is torn from him to be used in the breaking a seal. With both Heaven and Hell hunting him, he turns to the only man who can protect him.

Within a Room of Symbols | NC-17 | S.4 | established |
 by thevinegarworks
You could fit perfectly into the palm of my hand, but your presence fills this entire room. And I am filled, as you are welcome. - Saul Williams. (Or, more aptly, in which Dean and Castiel have a lazy weekend and some mindsex. And some real sex too, whaddayaknow?)

Don't End in Blood | NC-17 | S.4 | first time? | by  thevinegarworks
"Family don’t end with blood, boy." - Bobby, No Rest for the Wicked. [it' of the darker fics I was into before...I used to read Batman/Joker and this was just after that, so...I'm sorry. =/]

Our Bleeding Hearts | NC-17 | 4.22 | established | by thevinegarworks
In the midst of a war between Heaven and Hell, it's the quiet moments that mean the most.



1. Absolution | NC-17 | S.4 | first time | by wolfling & omphalos
Against his better judgement, Castiel offers Dean a way to save Sam.
[Chapter 6 has a GREAT sex scene...]

2. Kin | NC-17 | S.4 | established | by wolfling & omphalos
Cut off from Heaven, Castiel joins Dean and his extended family in their attempt to stop the Apocalypse.


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I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel