Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Jan. fic recs, RS&F

Rock Salt and Feathers was an amazing find! It's organized by author or genre and has a great selection of amazing fics, Groped by and Angel it's only adversary in the world of fanfic. First part of the January fic rec below:

~*Fic Recs*~

★ - favorite (*)
- love (**+)


"Fall asleep in the ass end of Maine and wake up.... in the middle of nowhere, great." 

A Partridge in a Pear Tree | NC-17 | S.4 | PWP | established | by Downfall35
Only wearing a pair of boxer briefs, Dean tiptoed across Bobby's living room and across the kitchen. 

Absolution | PG-13 | S.4 | pre-slash | by Janie Tangerine
"Bless me, for I have sinned," he mouths, his voice barely a whisper, as he mirrors Castiel's position and kneels in front of him, "it's been... I've never confessed before".

Acts of Loving Kindness | NC-17 | S.4/.5 | H/C | by Dancinbutterfly
The Lord created humans with an innate need to be touched in kindness.

Acta Non Verba | NC-17 | S.5 | first time | by  Fullonswayzeed
Dean gets Castiel drunk for the first time. Castiel gets horny for the first time.

Adam's Apple | PG-13 | S.4 | first time | by Skatergurljb
A sick Dean is a terrible thing. When Sam gives up on him, it's left to Cas to get the job done.

After the War | NC-17 | post-A | established | by Starkiller 
The war is finally over and the good guys have won. Dean finally gets some alone time with his angel.

All Souls and Angels | NC-17 | S.4 | 4/4 |first time | by Misslucyjane
"Sure all you want is speaking, Castiel?"

All That I Have Felt, And Feel | NC-17 | S.4 | first time | by Witchhazeleyes 
"Do you feel?" Dean asked with obvious sincerity.

Drunken Tattoos and Kissing Angles (2/2) | PG-13 | S. 4| first time |
Dean thought he'd hurt more than just his arm but, they'd have to wait to check him out. That left Castiel to drive his car.

 In The Paths of Exile | NC-17 | 5.04 | first time | by Altyronsmaker
A guy's gotta sleep, and sometimes that means an angel has to wait.

Give Me Something to Believe | NC-17 | 5.03 | first time | by GothGirl
Dean promised Castiel would not die a virgin on his watch.

Feeling Human | NC-17 | 5.03 | first time | by Mikey
Dean leaps before looking when he offers himself up to help Castiel with that "virginity problem".

Marked | R | S.4 | first time | by Hunters Retreat
Sam is researching, Dean is bored, and Castiel is jealous.

Offerings | NC-17 | 4.01 | first time | by Witchhazeleyes
Cas is there when Dean needs him.

Incarcerate | NC-17 | S.4  | H/C | wing!fic | by Cherazz
Castiel appeared into Dean's dream and urged him to meet with him immediately. However, instead of being dragged back to Heaven for his punishment, something far more painful happens to Castiel...what Dean finds when he gets there, is something he never wanted to see...


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I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel