Tuesday, August 17, 2010

1.02 - Wendigo

This took FOREVER! ...but I think I'm finally getting the hang of this picspam thing. Reviews are hard and future references can't be helped, and I've made my peace with that, makes the process a whole lot easier, too! I did make that font smaller! =)

Anyway, Wendigo:

This is by far, the scariest episode of the season. Okay, that's a lie, but it really freaked me out...still kinda does. The woods, man...

See? Scary.

Poor Sammy...

Hey, that's Dean's birthday, too; 1979
...which we don't find out for three years, great. lol.

"I should've protected you. I should've told you the truth."
It wouldn't have changed anything, Sam... =/

-Hot Blooded-
by Foreigner

Back to real life, outside of Sam's head.

 ...where Dean feels bad enough to offer Sam driving privileges! :P


Surprised boys! lmao.♥

"We're environmental studies majors, just working on a paper."
It's a good thing Sam can think on his feet, cuz Dean's useless...

When they're called out, they go with whatever the official supplies as an alias. Smooth, Dean; lie when the cover's given to you... ;) ...mmm, just look at that face. =) *dies* ♥
♥ ♥ ♥
my love for this man cannot be put into words, it's so strong...

And look mighty fine doing it... ♥Dean.

Got exactly what he wanted, too. =D

Sam's on edge, he just wants to get out there and find their dad. Dean takes notice and of course calls him on it.
"Since when are you all 'shoot first, ask questions later' anyway?" 

"Since now."


Now they're rangers. ...did I mention I love Dean's fingers, and that ring; kinda hot. ; )

Complimenting the Impala is a great way to get into Dean's pants...

Or, ya know, just being female.

Yeah, Dean's hooked.

I'm so with ya there, Sam...

-Down South Jukin'-
by Lynyrd Skynyrd

Something that moves in three frames...I'm never going into the woods again!

Only surviving victim of previous attacks, still claiming it was just a grizzly bear.

Dean berates the victim:
"The other people who went missing that year; those bear attacks, too? How 'bout all the people who went missing this year; same thing?"

Sam's a bit more gentle...
"What did you see?"

Totally good cop, bad cop.

Yeah, this episode scared the crap outta me!

...btw, is it any surprise I totally like the bad boy? ...♥

Dean- "Corporeal? 'Scuse me, professor."

That's right, Dean, bend over...

So pretty♥

"Finding Dad's not enough, now we gotta babysit, too!?"
Whine much, Sam?

pretty!Dean is pretty...
really adapting to fanspeak... =/

It's amazing how much these two were like their angelic counterparts back in the beginning...
Totally look like Lucifer here... =/

Now Dean has more in common with a different angel, though ;)
**too far ahead!** lol


She's so onto them...First the car, now:
"...you're hiking out in biker boots and jeans"

"Oh, sweetheart, I don't do shorts."

Hmm...wonder what changed. lmao! =D
Sry, sneak preview, I couldn't resist ;)


"...Bambi or Yogi ever hunt you back?"
This guy looks like he wants to shoot him. lmao! =D

Guess Dean just brings that out in people...

...so pretty♥

And the truth comes out. Always does, at some point.

...and he's so damn pretty!♥

♥ ♥

Wow. Okay, really honest. And pretty...

"That's probably the most honest I've been with a woman...ever."
. . . 


Dean's provisions =) love you Dean!♥

Sam- "Not even crickets."
Scare me more, guys, really...

Yep, keep adding on the terror...I freakin' love this show!!

Dean- "It's no skinwalker or black dog."
Those were they're only leads...now what!?!?! They don't even know what they're dealing with!

Okay, now that's creepy...

Dean can't even believe it.

...and when he does, he's not too happy about it. Great, something they didn't plan for and is dangerous enough for this look =/

...and a reaction like this:
Sam- "We gotta get these people to safety."

"You ever hunt a Wen--"
Sam's flying off the handle...

He's so cute when he's scared.

Time to deal with Sammy...

"I'm supposed to be the belligerent one, remember?" love you, Dean.♥

"Why are we still even here?"

"This is why. This book...Dad's single, most valuable possession. Everything he knows about every evil thing is in here and he's passed it on to us."
Bible, much? The symbolic reference is so obvious now...

"I think he wants us to pick up where he left of; saving people, hunting things. The family business."
Don't even get me started on His angels...

Why, why, why? Really, Sam!? ...Lucifer.

"Dad's given us a job to do, and I intend to do it."
Sounds like Michael to me...minor Season 5 rant, sorry. =/

"How do you do it?"
Dean's so pretty...

"Well for one...them."

"I mean I figure our family's so screwed to hell; maybe we can help some others."
I love what Dean's doing here. Giving Sam a reason to keep going at the worst of times and bringing them closer together in the process.

"Makes things a little more bearable."

"I'll tell you what else helps. Killing as many evil sons of bitches that I possible can."

Well, he got Sam to smile...that makes it totally worth it! =)

Roy should've stayed inside the magic circle...

He'll get what's coming to him.


Sam's got some stuff to work out...

But he comes to the right conclusions.

"...I, for one, wanna kill this evil son of a bitch."
There ya go, Sammy. Listen to your big brother!

"Well hell, you know I'm in."
...Dean really appreciates it. I love them like this.♥

He's so proud of him.♥

Okay, time for some more Dean hotness...not that here hasn't been plenty, but sometimes you just need more!

Okay, this guy looks like Misha...just saying, it's been bugging me ever since I fell for Cas. lol.

Well, since they weren't prepared for a Wendigo, they do what they do best; improvise.♥

"You know, I was thinking...those claw prints...so clear and distinct, they were almost too easy to follow"
OMG! It's a trap! This episode totally freaked me out!!!

So they run. Yeah...kinda too late for that.

OMG, Dean!! =O

Oh, Dean :) Your provisions just saved your life!

"Better than bread crumbs." =D


DEAN!! ♥ he's okay! =D =D

...well, as okay as he can be in this situation.

Can't really see it, but Dean found flare guns. They're both happy about it =D

She's totally fought a Wendigo since this...took me three years, but...

She's Coreen, from Blood Ties. Her flame thrower destroyed the thing that time! lmao.

Supernatural Wendigo is better =D

Love you, Dean! ♥

Sam, the protector =P


Not bad at all, sweety!


Grizzly cover story...

Oh, Dean! You can cheapen any moment with me, baby ;)

He still gets a kiss out of it. =D

He's all smiles 'til he gets what he wants...

Still adorable though...if a bit angsty, too. =/
Oh, Dean...you are worth it, baby.♥

I love them. Probly my favorite moment of the entire episode. It's over, so they can take a breath and reflect...and the dialogue just flows. ...my boys!! It's beautiful.♥

Sammy takes Dean's offer to drive from before =D

-Fly by Night-
by Rush

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I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel