Saturday, October 16, 2010

6.03 - The Third Man

So...I turn to the cw at 8:59 just as Smallville is ending. At the very end of the credits, I began to wonder who would do the voice over tonight, Jared or Jensen? ...answer is: neither!

6.08 promo, but the network screwed up and put his intro at the end of it =)
Hi this is Misha Collins don't miss an all new Supernatural coming up next on the CW
Misha is officially a series regular now =)
-really thought there'd be a video of that voiceover by now...

btw...tracy_loo_who made a picpsm as well...
She was basically the inspiration for all of this and helped me through 5.22. Her take on things is amazing, and she's hilarious! =) I'll be posting her picspams with mine when she writes them.

- if you haven't seen it -
**comment on facebook page** 
screencaps by crystal_caps and toxicangel

Why does everything biblical have to be gross!? I'm not putting up pics of that; you know what happened and this site is for the more attractive things in Supernatural... this♥ =) this a dream? has to be...or maybe he stopped by....
This would be amazing, aside from the fact that I hate her.
...but OH DEAN!♥
GOD I'm lovin' his sexy mmm....

wait, back up a sec...
. . .
NO HAND PRINT!!??!?!?! WTH!?!? D=<
Okay, I have a theory...Dean is in bed withe Lisa, therefore not thinking about his bond with Cas so all evidence of his angel-lover has been erased from him, in dream.
(I'm puting a lot of faith in some situation later this season proving my point...='/ )
. . .

This is how I like my Dean.'s where he belongs
 ...the dream meant nothing.
...and is nothing compared to this.
(totally taking this picture with me to Vancouver to get the tattoo exactly where I want it...might get an odd look, but it'll be a great conversation starter, seeing as I'll be in the chair with the tattoo artistfor an hour or so...)
 ...for one brief, frightening second, I thought Ruby was back, or some other demon come to fuck with Sammy.

Not sure hooker is much better...
**this is hilarious, Misha has no idea what we're capable of. lmao ChiCon2010 part
Sam's too hot not to add more...
(you're welcome, Rachel ; )
(Ben Edlund's amazing, btw; always writes the best Dean/Cas stuff... =)
...could those pants be any lower?!?!
Gotta say, I've never thought of Sam this way's kinda weirding me out...but ...WOW!
*fans self*

Sign about sums it up...
Guess Dean spends his waking hours thinking about his angel...eating burgers. OMG S.5 reference!!!♥ It's amazing what you find when you slow things down...and analyze beyond the point of sanity...

Sam. is. too. sexy! ...still can't stop.

 ...still hot.
Don't really care for the way he looks at his phone after ordering Dean around and hanging up on him...
Who died and made you boss?
...Dean's not too happy about that either. (goddamn! he's adorable♥♥♥)

Ya know, it's getting to be that nothing doesn't remind me of Supernatural...does that make sense? I just mean that after 5yrs of this show, there is not a single, minuscule thing left that won't remind me of my show.♥
It's getting kinda annoying, but I say this with all the love in the world =)

...again, not going there...

Tell your mom that you broke the damn thing and take it like a man.
LOVE the Impala back in action and the conversation, believe it or not. But that's just cuz Dean's awesome, no matter the situation. Plus, we never really got a good picture of him and Ben. Yeah, they worked on the truck together, but last we saw, he was keeping them locked up and yelling at Ben for touching his gun...(damn that sounds wrong...) This was kinda nice, although I am still against that life for him...; molding the minds of tomorrow, who knew?
I'm right there with ya,'s like he knows...lovin' the double-take, btw. LMAO =)
D- Still driving the plastic piece of crap, huh?
S- What's your mileage again?
D- Shut up.
It's like they're back to the way they were, but...
...mileage isn't important, it's all a matter of coolness, and the Impala has that; as does her driver♥
S- Were you racing me?
D- No...I was kicking your ass.
...and he knows it
...okay, this is probly the worst of all this angel crap...and Dean agrees. =/

OMG!! I've never spammed about Dean and Cas...this is amazing...and really should've first been done in s.5, I've gone over and over and over EVERYTHING - this is all new...and it's not really like it was before but there's OH so much potential...anyway, here goes:
(should've been 5.02, should've been 5.02!!!)
~*Thanksgiving break, I'm devoting all my spare time to s.5!!!*~

We should call Cas.
Of course, Dean. Cas will solve all your problems...and I do mean all... But seriously, though, Sam suggests angels are behind this and Dean's first instinct is to call his angel for help.♥ it bad that Cas makes Supernatural feel like home again?
S- You're kidding, right? Dean, I tried. It was the first and second and third thing I did soon as I got topside. Son of a bitch won't answer the phone.
Well, he never was any good with phones, Sammy...and btw, you're not Dean.
(Gilmore Girls reference aside...)
Can I just say, LOVE that look, not to mention hint of tongue...and his eyes...ooohh, Dean♥
(wait, it gets better ;)
Now I lay me down to sleep I pray to Cast-tiel to get his feathery ass down here.♥
...'kay, sooo Dean wants Cas' his bed. That's what I heard ;) Oh, and say his name like that some more Dean.♥
Sam's being a bitch, but he's cute and has his reasons...none of which matter when Dean is in bed praying to his angel to get his ass in it down here...
Come on Cas, don't be a dick...
(all that really needs sayin' ;)  I love it when Dean talks about Cas' dick... =X lol
btw, he's incredibly cute, 'specially when a visit from his angel is a definite possibility...
Do you copy? DEAN!!♥
He even personalizes his prayer and looks pretty devastated when Cas doesn't show at first...
God, I wish I hadn't read Tracy's first...but the hand print thing was bugging me and I thought maybe she'd make a mention of it. Yeah, no. And now I've ruined my picspam by looking at hers first... =/
Sam's a dick.
Dean agrees =)
(and he's so pretty!)
Dean's first glimpse of Cas in a year is completely *_*
(oddly enough, this did not come from tracy_loo_who, I've had this planned since the second I watched that clip - knew it wold be in hers too, but whatev. =)
He is in awe of his angel's presence...♥♥♥
(or, ya know ♥_♥ but whatev...)
Sam's a bitch.
But OMG: CAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSS!!!!!! I could not be happier with any other character's return, including the boys'!
Haha, Sammy. Cas doesn't like you...but we knew that already. =P And Sam's pissed. LMAO! Stop hanging around with demons and maybe an angel will come to you...oh yeah, too late!
I don't hate Sam, honestly. I don't trust him, but that has nothing to do with liking him, although I do prefer Dean...and Cas...but he ranks a little higher than Bobby. Crowley might have him beat though
...point is, Sam is pissed.
(This I am taking from tracy_loo_who but its only because I agree with it 100%...might've even thought it myself, but she words it better)
"My angel, what can I say?"
Very fitting, don't ya think. Perfect, actually.
Okay, here's what I say: Dean sees no reason why Cas wouldn't come to him, it's natural, had been for two years♥ - they really need to build that relationship up again... =/
Cas is pretty...and the all-powerful angel thing is making him incredibly sexy!
S- Hello!?
This sounded more like Jared making fun of Misha...just sayin' =)

C- That is still the term?
Dean loves his clueless angel....OMG Cas, never change!♥
I spent all that time trying to get through to you and Dean calls once and now it's 'Hello'? So what, you like him better than me or something?
HOLY SHIT they went there!
Dean and I do share a more profound bond.
HOLY SHIT they went there!!and so early in the season...they're so meant to be =)
Dean's take on their relationship can be seen as extremely suggestive, but sarcastic cuz that's Dean...but Cas can't lie; he sucks at it and always takes it back right after he's said it. Cas is completely serious.
Dean and I do share a more profound bond.
~*Cas totally outed them!*~
Dean's first reaction is shock (and awe - Cas is back!). His angel just outed them; he's not ready for this!
Trying to come up with a cover so Sam will be none the wiser...not exactly difficult since he hasn't caught on yet, and Dean's been alot more blunt (and graphic) than this.
Ya know, for Cas, I guess Dean and I do share a more profound bond could be seen as dirty-talk what with him being a virgin angel and all... lol. Pretty sure that's how my libido took it....
I wasn't going to mention it.
(in my state of total freak-out, I heard: 'You didn't tell him?'...would've made for a better argument, but this works too...'specially with the added benefit of Dean's embarrassment ;) 
OMG! Cas knew Dean would be uncomfortable with this but felt the need to tell Sam anyway...AND makes a point to let Dean know he understands him...oh Cas, ever the romantic! OTP OTP OTP

 If I had any answers, I might've responded...
 I love you, Cas♥
Seriously, what is being said here!? I'm too mesmerized by how utterly gorgeous this being is...
ugh...those eyes!♥
D- Cas, look if Sam calls, you answer.
C- You think I came because you called? 
Sammy sure does...

LOVE the look! Not even five minutes on earth and he's already had enough of Dean's attitude. Can't really blame him there; Cas doesn't take orders from anyone, you taught him that Dean. Well done...
I love you Cas, don't ever leave again!♥
Dean obviously thought Cas came for him, too. (which is totally true btw...)
Well, it's ncie to know what matters.
Dean's a little hurt that Cas' first priority is Heaven when it used to be helping him...being there for him...just Dean in general, but now Heaven's more important... =/
It does help one to focus.
Yeah Cas, concentrate on the task at hand and put your feelings aside...that always works. Heaven should be more important, but he really came for Dean...and focusing on their little problem takes away from his interst in Dean...but it's really all about Dean. So human of you, Cas...♥

This is my take looking back...gotta admit though, I was kinda concerned about this...I wasn't really sure how Cas would be after a year in heaven and this was scaring me a little...
Also, pretty! His profile is always a turn-on... =)
So...SO pretty! I've missed him so much! ...he's looking at Dean, btw♥
...and Sam's completely missing this. lmao.
I think we can rule Moses out as a suspect. haven't changed at all, have you sweetie?♥♥♥
. . .
Way to stump the boys, Cas! But really...what do you say to that? lmao
Okay, all I heard was "disco stick" and "toys"...what exactly are you suggesting Dean?
...that face helps, too. ;)
Cas' face is SO asking my question... =) OM...OTP!!!♥
So...Heaven's in chaos and weapons have been stolen. Does this mean we'll spend some time tracking all these things down and Cas will be involved!?
Damn, I hope so, we're up to 6.07 and still no Cas... That's a lie; surprise!Cas in 6.06!!!
I need your help.
Love the face, Cas...okay, yes, I DO love his face, even here.
Sam, stop being a bitch! ...with bonus Dean tongue♥
This is like Dean having to referee Sammy's constant arguments with their dad...and Dean knows it.
Sam. Dean. My "people skills" are "rusty"; pardon me but I spent the last "year" as a multidimensional wavelength of celestial intent. ...*Ben Edlund is God!*
This sentence - !! ...MADE OF WIN!♥ ;)
He nailed the air quotes, for starters. His "pardon me" is SO endearing!♥'s great we're all caught up on what everyone's been doing...we know what Cas has been doing and that time works differently in Heaven. =) ...seriously, I'm falling in love with him all over again!♥
~*multidimensional wavelength of celestial intent*~
 ...never change Cas♥♥
LOVE confused!Cas. Awwe sweetie, you were doing so well =) ♥
D- Cas, a little warning next time!
How are your bowels, Dean? lmao! Admit it! like Angel Travel ;)
...btw, Cas' smoldering thing is SEXY!♥
...and Dean's pretty! and I love how they're always in each other's frames =)
D- Cas, take it easy.
Say his name some more Dean, really.
Cas is pretty...
I know there's a plot here somewhere, but I've missed my angel, dammit!, and this is his post!♥

...btw Sam, you're acting just like Dean before...before....what? Hell? ...Lisa? idek...
Eyesexing through the wavelengths ;) ...I love these two!

Cas is SO powerful now, he doesn't even need touch for tranport...
Cas, you realize you just kidnapped a kid.
How is Sam so okay with this!?
He's a kid, Cas.
I love the look on Cas' face as he says his name...♥
He's a kid, Cas.
I can't care about that, Dean.
Cas... =') He's still Cas... =') ♥♥♥
...he does care. God, Cas...I love you so much right now =') ♥♥♥
 ...I'd like to think Dean gets it. ...yeah, he gets it♥
It physically pains him that he has to do this...that and the knowledge that it's hurting Dean, too...
Balthazar. Cas has angel friends! =)
Castiel in action. God-damn, I love that angel♥
It's nice to finally see this scene in motion on screen. 
I love my angel...its gonna take a hell of a lot more than that to kill him now♥
S- My car...
D- Okay; silver lining.
Love you Dean!♥ ...and I totally agree! =)
Sammy's not so happy though, which makes this even better! lmao =D
Best. Segment. EVER! ...or, ya know, of the show.
Seriously LOVING angel!Cas♥'s like he's everywhere all at once, popping in and out, doing whatever he's nice. Before, he was either there, not, or popping in when needed. Now, he's...everywhere and I love that about him. He's...being a freakin' angel!♥♥
Raphael? The archangel?
Yeah Sam, you know him? ...I'll get to that. 

Yeah, Cas, move in a little more....
I don't know who's on first, what's on second...
Dean taught Cas the bases!♥ and tell, I hope ;)
God, there is so much history there♥ ...they should totally make out btw.♥ 
...and Sam's completely oblivious. 
(so many fics keep popping into my head right now...Blissful Oblivion)
So pretty...♥
Whoever has the weapons wins the war.
Civil war, huh? ...this should be interesting.
LOVE their expression at the possibility of 'Apocalypse, Redux'
Sam actually looks to Dean...and it's the first time he's actually looked like Sam since he's been back... =/
...and Dean? Pure terror...but I love him.♥
I need myrrh
THE best line! LOVING angel!Cas so hard right now; he's adorable and quirky...he's just...Cas - a side of him we've never really seen...but I'm lovin' it!♥ 
D- Freakin' angels 
And Cas is just THERE. lmao
I expected more from my brothers. I'm sorry.

Dean can relate... =/
 ...I need your blood.
 Like Dean's his own personal human!
 ...and Dean just goes with it!! Trusting his angel completely!♥
although here's nothing he could've done anyway, angel strength and all ;) GOD for Dean to bottom....mmm
and the Enochian! So sexy,...'specially coming for that mouth...added profile porn and closed eyes =) (...not the best for eyesexing, but it's sorta a big kink for me...) 
I was expecting more Dr. No, less Liberachi. 
I wonder if Cas got that, or am I all alone in this now? Obviously they spent a lot of time together (mostly off-screen ;) and Cas doesn't forget everything about his time as a human...
Dean has to see if his angel gets it♥
Love it when he teleports practically in front of our eyes; it's very well-done, masterful even! Cas is 
awesome!♥ Best thing to happen to this show since the pilot...

TOTALLY expecting Gabriel to show up any second now...
...crotch shot =)
Okay, so not Gabriel, but Balthazar's personality, his mannerisms and expressions - it's all Gabriel.
Balthazar might be following Cas' example, but he's going about it exactly like their fallen brother...damn I hope he's alive! This episode really made me miss Gabriel =/
Cas is pretty...♥ 
Even I know that's a bad joke. 
OMG he's adorable!♥
 At long last! Cas has and angel ally! =D
I can't get over how much screen time Cas has away from the boys!
...or how pretty he is♥
(Cas won't be back 'til next year most likely, so I'm gonna enjoy this =P)
If we can beat Raphael, we can end this.
I think Cas is gonna need a little help with that...from his own personal human =)
 You actually believe that you can stop the fighting.
Cas is taking on something much bigger than any Apocalypse...and Balthazar's right; it'll never stop.
So pretty...♥ 
Grab something valuable and fake your own death.
Translation: Grab Dean (done ;) and stay with him♥ ...I wonder if he'll ever have to make that choice.
Pretty sure Cas and I are on the same page...we usually are. ;) 
...btw, he's so adorable!♥
 B- All else aside Cas, I'm really, really happy to see you; even though you've still got that stick up your ass.
Well, Dean did his best to loosen it over the years, but what he really needs to do is remove it and replace it with his dick, pronto! ;)
Hey Cas, how do you  like it, huh!?
(sorry, end of episode frustration at Cas' sudden disappearance >=/)
So...Cas is up against Raphael again - alone... Well, at least he's an angel this time...
Probly should've killed him when you had the chance...
Backup, and sexy backup at that. ;)

The Apocalypse is all this show has ever been, so...this feels like home.♥
...and it's pretty freakin' cool, too!
I love the way he's pleading with them ='/ ...I could listen to vulnerable!Cas forever; he's so sexy...he needs to be that way with Dean - maybe then there'll be a hug...
Why won't any of you listen?
Breaking my heart as I fall in love with him again! He's so desperate for his brother's to understand...God, I love this angel!♥♥♥
This tore me apart, but it was like a car crash...I couldn't not watch him get the crap beat out of him...sick pleasure? can't watch this show and not have a taste for this kind of thing... =/
 LOVE that look on him; dangerous, sexy...whumped. =/ ...mmm, Cas
R- Somehow I don't think God will be bringing you back this time.
Dean, where the hell are you!?!
Balthazar...Cas is rescued by another angel. All they've ever done is torment him, hunt him...I could get used to this
(Cas is still the only angel I trust - Gabriel right up there with him - but I only trust his life in Dean's hands)
A new vessel!? He could be anybody!
So pretty...
Eyesexing over another trapped angel...I love you guys!♥
Cas. is. so. pretty!
...the blood makes it that much more of a turn on.♥
Do you have any idea what souls are worth? The power they hold?
hehe, Cas has held Dean's soul♥
...can't believe I'm actually saying this, but that isn't the point...Sam is. 
Cas, what the hell?
I'm with ya there, Dean.
D- Cas, you outta your mind?
='(   ='(   ='(
 ...words cannot describe the pain of his sudden disappearance.
...or the amount of heartbreak in Dean's voice. Seriously, it's canon.
Oh, Dean...♥  ='(
I know... ='(
...and it's about damn time, too!

...really hate that life spilling over into this one. =/
The brother moment!♥
D- So, uh, are you okay?
S- Me? Yeah, I'm great,
D- Really? 'Cause there's been a few times that you got me wondering.
I love you Dean♥ You deserve answers...and even though you know you're not going to get them, you wanna believe he'll tell you what's really going on. =/
Sammy, you're
I just didn't get the feeling that...that you even cared.
Cas cared about that kid more than Sam did...and angels aren't supposed to feel. What's that say about you, Sammy!?
You're wrong.
You're lying.
...Dean doesn't believe him either.
D- I just don't think I'm getting the whole scoop. You went to hell, Sam and believe me I know what that does to a guy...
S- You know what that does to you...but I'm okay.
...was he, comfortable there? All that demon blood, and Lucifer's vessel - was Hell home to him? Sammy... D=
...btw, he's pretty fucking cute here♥
I'm saying we're different.
You've got that right...
 Dean's not buying it. He's too good at what he does to fall for that shit. Sometimes I think Lisa's might be the the better place for him...without Sam, there's no reason to hunt...and he's not Sam.  =/ 

BUT! To get his brother back, he's gotta stay in the game and most likely leave all traces of a normal life behind.
...I don't think Sam has a soul. I think Raphael has it; got it when he made a deal with Sam in Hell and brought him and his grandfather back to do his dirty work, AND he's collecting monsters to use as weapons in this civil war in Heaven and to restart the Apocalypse; probly using the power of Sam's good, beautiful, untainted soul for some master plan.

This season - !!'s gonna be amazing!♥


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I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel