Thursday, October 21, 2010

6.04 - Weekend at Bobby's

This one's gonna be a little different since the boys aren't in it as much, but there area few points I'd like to make...

And where better to start than with the director =)
I tried to concentrate more on the quality of the episode and not quantity (Sam and Dean screentime lol ; ) which actually wasn't all that difficult since one of the was behind the scenes and this episode was truly amazing.

- if you haven't seen it -
**comment on facebook page** 
screencaps by crystal_caps and home of the nutty

Damn, I was just saying how much I miss the Apocalypse and what do I get? =)
...btw, voiceover by none other than Alan Ackles 

That swan dive of Sam's; a thing of beauty. tens all the way around.
Thank God someone mentioned it, cuz seriously; not spn's best moment, but whatev. It needed to be ridiculed and who better to do it than Crowley?♥
That's a neat little trick. Very impressive...but Crowley has a hellhound, lmao. Sorry Bobby, it really was a nice try, though.
Ah, there's the man of the hour.♥
They don't know what this thing is, so of course; call Bobby. It's kinda nice to be on the other side of thngs, see what his life is like...although...these guys are much hotter, and they're confused faces are priceless! lol. ; )
♫-The Gambler-♫
by Kenny Rogers

Classic Dean...I'd say he's re-adjusting to his old life pretty well. =)
Oh, and this picspam wouldn't be complete without this:
Okay, I was really impressed by this.
I had guessed bones but this kinda proved it. It's like watching a ghost burn only not as instant due to the flesh and bones of the possessed. Still, nice to have a new way of killing demons...and one that all demons believe to be a myth is really convenient! lol.
My God, Bobby, just take her up on everything she's offering...and STOP living vicariously through Dean!
Yeah, some of that butterness and hatred form 6.01 kinda came back there,'s hard to hold it against him since he means so much to the boys and has come so far in all this...
...and yeah, he kinda deserves this, after everything =)
I love the montage of all the uses for those phones. ...I honestly thoguht they were all just for the boys convenience; I can't believe I never once thought he had anything going on outside the world of Sam and Dean Winchester...=X
Not me the FBI, the real FBI. How are you still alive?
LMAO Bobby
Burying a monster's body...a monster that's never been seen outside of Japan... These two are great btw; it's like Grumpy Old Men. (pretty sure Dean made that reference
Definitely made up for the lack of Sam and Dean - the kind of friendship they used to have...
Meanwhile the boys are having their own issues...
...poor Sammy lol.
 Yeah, Dean; work that hose baby...damn, that's sexy...♥♥
...okay, I know I know her from somewhere! ...pretty sure I had this same train of thought back in 5.15...and I know it came to me then, too...WTH who is she!?!
Carey from Suite Life of Zack and Cody!? 
Nope, not her; she'd be taller than both of them...but awesome freak-out! lol's not really dead and goes straight for Bobby's neighbor. Don't think she'll be wanting anything from him again...which is really too bad. if only Lisa were that smart! >=|
Bobby does everything for everybody; including himself. Thankfully he has a friend like Rufus to do things for him without being asked...although the fact that he does makes it that much better.
It's Sam, Bobby...
...and then there's Dean.
You don't realize how much they truly bitch about eachother until they're cut off mid-rant and whatever they'd been saying so drammatically sounds incrdibly stupid and pathetic. I love Dean, I really do, but come on...these Sam issues are starting get old. And don't even get me started on Lisa...
I'm bearing my soul like a friggin' girl here and you've got stuff to do. That is...that's fine, seriously though; a little selfish, it's not all about you.
Oh Dean...
Give it to him Bobby. After seeing Bobby's side of things...
Sam, Dean. I love you like my own, I do, but sometimes...sometimes you two are the whiniest, most self-absorbed suns of bitches I ever met. I'm selfish? Me? I do everything for you. Everything. You need some lore scrounched up, you need your asses pulled outta the fire, you need someone to bitch to about each other, you call me and I come through every damn time. And what do I get for it? Jack with a side of squat. I know you've got issues, God kows I know. But I've got a news flash for you: you ain't the center of the universe. ...Crowley owns my soul and the meter is how 'bout you two sack up and help me for once.

They completely deserved that...somehow I actually think it hit Dean more than when Cas beat the crap out of him. Bobby's human and they've known him forever...sadly, he comes before Dean's angel lover. ...damn, this season is really gonna tear me apart. =/
*just a side note here: "Help me! Save me! Put me out! Me, me, me. Oh, you're on fire and suddenly you're the center of the universe aren't you! eaters are so conseeded." -Paolo Garbanzo
So...first she looks into his neighbor's B&E and fails to file a report and now she brought Rufus back just like he'd asked even thought she could lose her job and told him she wouldn't do it... Forget neighbor lady, I think there's something here...
Halfway through, I really started to worry they were gonna kill him off....didn't really get much better here. lol.
Apparently Hell isn't in any better shape than Heaven, post-Apocalyspe, and Crowley's trying to run it not just as King of the Crossroads, but King of Hell. ...who was right!? I think I was... =D
I know where you're buried.
Bobby is very good!
Dean? But isn't Crowley from Scotland...? Dean hates to fly...I'm so confused...
We've gone international...
Huh... LOVE IT! =D
...Dean's pretty. =) Has that been said at all here!?
Okay, back to plot... They win! =D
Bobby gets his soul back and keeps his legs...
...and Crowley makes sure nothing like this ever happens again! lmao.
I was kinda interested to see if Crowly's features would give anything away to his knowldge of Sam's situation, a history maybe... I couldn't catch anything, but there was a suspiciously lingering look...or maybe that's just me...and Dean...
Then Crowley kills the moment and I'm left confused...
I love it when...entitiies dissapear on them.
As usual, Crowley makes me think of during this commercial break, I decided that Cas transported the boys to Scotland...
Then Bobby killed it. lol. Suffering though a nine-hour flight is the least Dean could do after what he said to Bobby; not just now, but end-of-the-world-douchiness included...(5.18)
The two of them crammed inside this tiny car is hilarious!
...and Dean's hot so he gets another pic!
B- ...try some of the local grub, I hear it's exotic
D- Oh yea, no, definitely, we are. I hear they have an Olive Garden.
Finally...? lol
 =) A hunter's work is never done...

 . . .


1 comment:

  1. Anyone know the actual name and location of the castle shown in the background toward the end?


I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel