Monday, October 25, 2010

6.05 - Live Free or Twi-hard

I have so much vampire knowledge form various shows I thought I might be able to reference, but the episode stays too true to it's name...nothing is even remotely similar to anything else I've ever watched.
btw: this episode makes me wanna start reading Suck it Up again, wherein vampire!Dean feeds on Cas so he won't hurt anyone or kill himself; he is the righteous man after all...I think Sam's in danger, too.
**comment on facebook page** 
screencaps by crystal_caps, marishna, and home of the nutty

I'm gonna skip all the jabs at Twilight not because I'm offended (I'm more a True Blood kinda girl...) but because it's stupid. lol.

Does he HAVE to be talking to her...?

S- all in their late teens...
Really Dean? You just made a date with Lisa and you're interested in the prospect of barely legal tail? You haven't changed a bit, sweetie and I love you all the more for it.♥

I'm so glad this dute didn't look like Billy Burk...
These aren't vampires, man; these are douche bags.
Love you Dean...and I couldn't agree more. Okay, so I did have an extremely brief involvement in the Twilight Saga; read all the books, bought some t-shirts and other paraphernalia but it's way too juvenile. True Blood is my kinda thing, although the books ate better.
This is the only vampire thing on my wall now:
Look at this. He's watching her sleep. How is that not rape-y?
Cas watches you sleep, Dean! ...on your bed, (and you let him♥) this is nothin'.♥♥
He could hear the blood rushing inside her; almost taste it. He tried desperately to control himself...Romero knew their love impossible...
I knew this was foreshadowing! ...Dean, don't mock this, you'll be doing exactly that! ='/
Okay, Mic St. John only fed on bags of blood...which he got from his morgue attendant friend who also happened to be a vampire; but this is a little extreme!
D- When was the last time we had a beer together anyway?
Sam doesn't even care...
Also with this bar, it's like they're creating thier own Fangtasia...just sayin'! lol

Wow! We are so going THERE! it possible? Is Dean thinking about Cas...he looks kinda fascinated...
. . .

It's only a matter of time, honestly...♥
(not mine)
 . . . 

Okay, so this reminds me a little of Blood Ties...I won't go into detail, but - there it is.
...and seeking pick-up advice from teenagers? Dean...who would you possibly need to pick up if you have Lisa?
Your're pretty.
Yeah he is! ...but back off, he's taken!
...maybe if he were hotter, but...let's just say: He's no Eric Northman ...6'4" Viking God of  a vampire♥
Yeah sorry pal, I don't play for your team.
...keep denying it Dean, although I guess it could be said you're batting for Heaven ;)
Is he that out of practice? WTH Dean!?
Oh no, this is it...


...if Sam's there, how does Dean get turned!?!? ='|

D'=   D'=   D'=   D'=
I couldn't even concentrate on Dean; not that I could see through the tears...
I spent the entire commercial break balling my eyes out...sobbing! WTH SAM!? How could you...

I've never hated Sam as much as I do right now; throughout this entire episode! Yeah, he's never been my favorite, but... I'm in love with Dean, and to be in love with Dean you have to be half in love Sam...and I am...was... Sam you're breaking my heart here!

At least he's taking care of his brother and refuses to kill him; that's something...

It is nice to be this close to Dean...hear what he hears, see what he sees, know exactly how he's feeling - not that I ever don't but this is more direct and I could really feel for him here...
Ya know how I've been saying nothing can't remind me of Supernatural. Next day, I walk outta my house and am blinded by the sun directly in front of me; made this kinda face. Immediate thought: 'OMG I'm Dean!' followed by: 'WTH!?' Then I rushed to work to tell Rachel lmao ;)

S- Dean, you should sit down.
D- You sit down!
Hehe, Dean's grumpy and it's really cute! lmao. ...and he's taking it out on Sam, who actually deserves it for once. =/
D- Of all the ways to die, never thought I'd be going out like this.
S- Dean, nobody is going out.
Well, at least he wants to save him...
♥Dean. If something's bothering you...
Destroy it lmao♥
D- Samuel's gonna kill me when he gets here.
S- No Dean, no he's not.
D- Yes he is, because I'm gonna ask him to because you won't do it!

D- Why aren't you freaked out?
S- Of course I am
D- Really? Cuz I can hear your heart beating and it's pretty steady.
It's good that Dean knows something's off...
S- How's it feel?
Really, Sam!? You're brother is suffering with all these new sense he never asked for and you wanna know how it feels? Why didn't you try it out instead of WATCHING DEAN GET TURNED! WTH is wrong with you!?
D- Now? Now you wanna talk about my feelings?
S- No, I mean, physically.
D- How do you think it feels? Not good
S- Where you going?
D- Bathroom okay. Newsflash Mr. Wizard: vampires pee.
...not in most of the books I've read. Some do eat though, and not just blood, actual food... Every series is different and I was honestly interested to know. ...WTH is wrong with me!? lmao
Dean♥  =/
But he's gonna make a break for it and now I'll never know, lol. Of course he has to see Lisa one last time...and where the hell is Cas in all this!? Wouldn't he know? I've never understood this. Every time Dean's in trouble, Cas has to know about it! So where the fuck is he!?

Yeah, knew all that mockery would bite him the I love analyzing the crap outta this show and the symbolism here; the major contrast depicted with black and white...
Although he's a vampire, I'm not going with 'evil' here, cuz he's not; he's the righteous man for Christ's sake! lol. He just lives in a world full of evil creatures, basically hidden among society - living in his car and seedy motel rooms, hustling pool for cash or committing credit card fraud; he's "underground", living a dark life.
Lisa and Ben live the kind of life Dean never can. He's seen so much, knows what's really out there...he doesn't belong with such innocence, and we're finally, FINALLY seeing this for what it is...
I know its weird, but I flinched at the light when Dean did, I hate to see him hurting... =/
He's so angsty and that always adds to his♥

L- Just stop and explain to me what's going on out there.
D- Lise, I can't bring this crap home to you.
L- You're talking about your work.
D- I'm talking about my life.

I've been reading vampire romance novels for years..and I mean ADULT novels not that Twilight crap...and in doing so, I have developed a few kinks...blood being one of them. And this look from Dean and the fact that he is a vampire...gotta admit: kinda really EXTREMELY HOT!
...okay, from the promo, all I wanted was for them to fuck against that wall... It would've been hot and no doubt scared her off, for good. But vampire sex always leads to bloodplay...he would've killed her. Also not a bad ... ... GOD! Vampire sex is such a turn on!!!
Turns out this really isn't as hot as I thought it would happens in seconds and I think their initial conversation killed any possibility of this being of  any interest to me, I hate her that much!
No... =/ He's already fighting the urge and Ben isn't at fault here; it's his mother I have a problem with and Dean loves the kid...

Well, if pushing her against a wall and almost ripping her throat out wasn't enough, this outta do it. I know how much it's killing him, but he's gotta realize he doesn't belong in their world...he never should've been a part of it.
 . . .

Then this happened:
Dean has cravings, and Castiel provides.♥ 
 . . .

I was really hoping to get some inside information here...some of the secrecy between Sam and Grandad Campbell revealed...
...idk if it's my history with angsty vanpires, but this side of Dean is pretty a majorly emo kinda way.
In every series it gets incredibly annoying but I've known Dean for years and he's not gonna be a vamp for, it really isn't any different from his normal angsty the-end-is-neigh Apocalyptic charm, just with the added weight of imminent death. lol.

Did you feed?
Okay, so he'll be fine as long as he doesn't drink any blood...good, Dean can do this.♥

You can relax, I didn't drink anyone. But I came close...
Dean!♥ Why is always so cute when he's angsty!?
Love how they visably relax when they know he hasn't gone full-on vamp yet...
D- Do it.
Sr- Okay, if you insist...or I can just turn you back.
D/S-  What?
Sr- I didn't drive all this way to kill you, Dean. I'm here to save you.
Took you long enough...
Cure's an old Campbell recipe, like the soup. No one's tried it since God knows. From what I hear, this stuff is a bad trip...the cure is good, but a lot of this is on you. You drink, you're done. It won't work.

D- Dude, you reek. You're like a walking hamburger.
lmao ♥Dean

Sr- What the hell's wrong with you, Sam?...You knew about the cure. We talked about it months ago...if you had known it be almost like you let him get turned. Get a man on the inside, help us find that alpha vamp we've been looking for.
S- You serious? You think I'd do something like that, risk my own brother? What's wrong with you? I'm just relieved we can fix him.
Sam knew!? He had to have known, otherwise he wouldn't have done it; he wouldn't risk Dean...although if he did he's putting a lot of faith in his brother's will power. I mean, could you resists demon blood, Sam? Huh!? ...No, you wouldn't have risked who the fuck are you; what the hell happened to you Sam!? ='(
Yes, I'm ragging on him so I picked a cute picture. Sammy...♥

Samuel doesn't even trust him... I know the point of him having a cure was to sway the audience in his favor, but I gotta's working. I trust him more than Sam; marginally,'s not Sam.
I miss Sammy! ='(

Oh, Dean...

Don't do it, baby...hold on!
 D- Yeah, first chance I get. I'll show you myself
That's it, Dean Distract yourself by threatening his life with a promise♥
Dean... I know you're hurting, but you're doing so well baby! =/

You can't save them all, Dean... =/

B- Aren't you the curious one?
D-  Oh, you don't know the half of it.
Dean's learning a lot just by being's really interesting. He's trying to be coy wit that comback, but being a smartass isn't always the best idea.
...'specially around a vampire who called you 'pretty' earlier just before he turned you.

Yeah...he's too close.

Okay, no. Just...No.

NO! Not like this...NOT LIKE THIS! 
Dean's first gay kiss will NOT be with the vampire that turned him (his maker, hehe TB!♥) It HAS to be Cas!!
♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥
♥~GOD I love this~
best part is, they only had to knock off a couple millimeters ; )

...please...? =/
...although, he would've done it if he had to; you can totally tell and...yea, towards the end I was kinda into it, but only just! and then the moment was over. Thankfully. The vamp isn't even Dean's angel on the other hand...♥

Phew. Yes, Dean. Kill him now.

There hasn't been a Dean-centered mini picspam yet and I don't wanna talk about this so...pretty♥:

So. Pretty!♥

 If I had the ability, I'd photoshop Cas in the space above him, head rihgt next to his...

And Dean goes on a killing spree!
...while pretty♥
 Dean's handiwork♥
 Sr- Guess your brother has some Campbell in him afterall.
Fuck you, grandpa; Dean's an amazing hunter! Okay, my feelings for Samuel are back in order...
...this is what happens when someone tries to take Dean away from his angel lover, lol ;)
Why do I love my men whumped and covered in blood; preferably not their own but either!

S- So what'd you see in there?
D- What?
S- In the nest. What did you see?
D-  Sam I can't hear you, you're blood is so freaking loud so just back off.
Really, Sam? You think now's the best time to ask your brother what happened? WTH is wrong with you!?

 Okay, usually I turn away at the slightest possibility of a character vomiting, but there was no indication... I can never take my eyes off Dean anyway, but I did manage to look to the right of the screen, but couldn't make my head turn like I normally can...WTH has he done to me? lol couldn't be blood, right? He didn't drink any and if it's the cure, then how would it work!? I think I just wanted to know what the fuck was going on. lol.
Okay, vampires on True Blood explode when staked and first this is the first thing that happenes. Guess I could make that connection...but again, he didn't drink anyone. idk...!

Now, at first I thought he'd lose all these memories, but at some point it didn't feel like they were fading even with the backward motion through time...just bringing him back to before; when he was human.

I screamed a lot towards the end of this...
OMG Dean has to see him! SEE HIM DEAN! PLEASE!



 He knows.
It sucks, but Dean needs to know...and'll never be the same; it can't ='(
He doesn't trust either one of them...

So what'd you see?
First thing you say to him, Sam. Really!? ...I can't even look at you right now...and neither can he. WTH Sam!?
Dean shouldn't tell him, but of course he does; keeping his cool, pretending he doesn't know. Dean's good at burrying his feelings and masking them with whatever will do the trick...until he's confident enough in his argument to face the challenge and win. And he will win.

So, Lisa's not taking his calls. This should not make me this happy...but it so does! FINALLY!!! =D Just one step closer to Dean/Cas canon
No matter what happens I can always count on you, right Sammy?
It's sweet that he wants to try and let Sam explain...

Yeah, of course Dean.
How can you lie to his face like that!? >='(

Dean knows he can't...all he has left are Cas and Bobby, which isn't really enough. ='(

. . .

I know it was only Jared telling us to stay tuned for scenes from next week, but I couldn't even stand to hear his voice.

Then Cas happened!

I've been trying to figure out when Cas was coming back; I knew Misha was in Vancouver around his birthday, but nothing would confirm his appearance in Supernatural...gotta admit, surprise!Cas feels really good!♥


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I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel