Monday, November 15, 2010


...ya know how I was all excited abnout 6.10? When it comes to this show, not no mention my angel....and that Dean/Cas thing I love so mood swings are rediculous! These has to be a deal! Right!? ... ='(

**spoilers** under the cut.
-edit- bottom

Hot? Yes....but do I really wanna see this? No...? =/
Dean's face...he doesn't want his angel kissing anyone but him. I completely agree, baby! ='(
...this angel-killing sword makes me feel better, though. Like, maybe it is a deal!
There are articles with Cas "finally having a love life" and "getting some"...that's what started this rant. Cas...could not possibly have "feelings" for a demon. Least of express those "feelings" in front of Sam and's all business, and Dean doesn't like it, Sam's not too happy about it either, so at least that' something. It's nto a relationship. There are no "feelings" involved. ...and Dean/Cas is real, this might even spurr it on a bit ; )

Okay, I'm good now:
Official Description: "Meg kidnaps Sam and Dean and tries to force them to tell her where Crowley is hiding. Sam makes her a deal – they will help her find Crowley if she promises to torture him for information about how to get Sam’s soul back. Castiel joins the fight but finds it difficult to work with Meg."

This door is also in the above picture. Meg locks the boys in here, Cas appears to save them, Sam makes the deal but for whatever reason, an angel needs to seal it! ♥

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I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel