Sunday, November 14, 2010

6.07 - Family Matters

I...don't even know.

**comment on facebook page** 
screencaps by crystal_caps

So I watched the clip. I really gotta stop doing that, ruins the moment. As does reading tracy_loo_who's 'spam before making my own. =/ This is just not a good day...

Watching this opener a week in advance does not take away from how amazing it is. Starting back up right where we left off last week, it's very well done. I love stuff like that.

...not more than how much I would LOVE waking up to this♥

 LMAO, Cas. Never change! =D

Clearer image =) Damn he's hot...♥
Is he speaking in tongues? Are you speaking in tongues?
He asks them both! In rapid succession! It's hilarious♥
He asks, you answer then you shut your hole, you got it.
I love you Dean.
I hate it when they keep things from each does Cas♥
Sam doesn't sleep... =/
Sam, what are you feeling now?
I feel like my nose is broken.
C- No, that's a physical sensation. How do you feel?
S- I think...
 C- Feel.
S- I don't know.
Cas, suddenly the expert on feelings when angels aren't supposed to feel. He's had some experience, enough to know the difference between feelings and physical sensation...and I absolutely LOVE that about him.♥
Oh, Cas♥

Wait, back up...Dean watched him undo that belt!?


Gotta say, love the look.
Dean's worried about his brother, but trusts Cas completely♥
That's some he's that intensely focused in other areas, huh Dean?♥
It's his soul. It's gone.
...hehe who was right!? Cas and I have been on the same wavelength for some time now, makes sense that it's he who confirms the theory I've had since...well, since he gave me the idea back in 6.03. =D
...also: eyesex♥

Um...I'm sorry, one more time; like I'm five.
Cas is so patient with Dean...he'll tell him however many times he needs to hear it♥
They are BEAUTIFUL together♥♥♥
♥Cas =)
So, Cas thinks Sam's soul is still in the's a possibility. I make predictions about everything, but when it finally comes time to reveal all these secrets, I'm open to anything...
Why is it that Sam's only hot to me covered in blood...or shirtless? Seriously, what is wrong with me!?
D- Is he even still Sam?
C- You pose an interesting philosophical question. 
Dean desperately wants to know his brother's still there somewhere...
It took several angels to rescue you and you weren't nearly as well guarded.
Dean believes his angel can do anything.♥
**LOVE hearing him talk about pulling Dean out of Hell, it's so...personal, just the two of them, where it all began...words cannot describe how much that one sentence means to me. 
My passion for Dean/Cas has been tested this season's kinda been worn down, but this: it's the most romantic thing I've ever heard♥
mhm...wouldn't expect anything less...
I don't think I've ever been more attracted to him...except maybe shirtless. lol
Dean doesn't wanna let Sam out of his sight...or out of that chair.
Dean's pretty...♥
Oh, yeah. Plot. Sam's not having any of it.
Love this shot; it's like they're one person! Cas stands so close to him and Dean doesn't even care anymore♥
It's not that he has any super-strength, it's just Sam. He probly knows Dean's knots well enough that getting out shouldn't be a problem.
...Dean's not happy about it, though.
You're stuck with the soulless guy, so you might as well work with me.
He's pretty covered in blood...
I'm gonna be watching every move you make.
Wouldn't expect anything less...
Cas clean him up.
Really, Dean!? He's done so much for you already and you're still ordering him around...
Cas doesn't like it either, but he's too attached to do anything else. Plus he knows Dean's hurting and will do this for him♥
Looks like he's brushing the hair out of his eyes...but Sam gets his entire hand; Cas only fingers Dean. =P
Oh, the eyesex♥...Cas is so pretty!
Side angle I love so much...♥♥♥
Profile! uhh...
Team Free Will.♥ ...minus one soul, but close!
...really does remind me of that time in the motel - 5.13, before they go back to 1978.
(I really need to 'spam s.5!)
I really hate this place...
...and that they all know Sam so well, or at least think they do.
Dean on the other hand...
It's okay, though. Dean doesn't like them much either. (no wonder I don't like them...)
Samuel's so  suspicious!
Dean takes notice...♥
D- The day you got back, what happened?
Sr- We've been over this.
D- Well, recap it for our wingman.♥
Yeah, Dean looks where Cas lands, before he actually gets there. That's is the nickname.♥
Dean's the first one to call him Cas, dick...Bobby called him feathers, Huggy Bear astounded me!...and now wingman; LOVE!
I really love seeing the boys together again...
You're scrawnier than I pictured.
He honestly doesn't deserve to be in the presence of an angel...just saying.
This is a vessel, my true form is approximately the size of your Chrysler Building.
He's so pretty...goddamnit I'm in love with this angel!♥
Alright, enough bragging
Aw, Dean. You know it's all true...♥  ; )

God, I love seeing any part of Cas revealed...he wears that damn trench coat too much. He needs to be naked. Not now! Just in general..preferably with Dean...
Samuel has his soul. I honestly hadn't thought about it, but he seemed fine. A little shady with the secrets and all, but...yeah, doesn't surprise me.
I knew it was something. You're a hell of a hunter, Sam but truth is sometimes you scare me. So what's the deal here, how do we fix this? How do we get his soul back?
Aw, Sammy... =/
We don't know yet, but we have to.
Okay, is it just me or did he sound EXACTLY like Cas here? know what they say about couples who spend alot of time together... ;) Even so, it kinda freaked me out.
Sam, Dean. I have to get back.
You're leaving?
='( ...Dean's not too thrilled about it, either.
C- I'm in the middle of a civil war
D- You better tear the attic up; find something to help Sam.
C- Of course. Your problems always come first.
Has Cas learned sarcasm, or is he being serious? I honestly can't tell. Maybe a little of both...
Dean's as confused as I am....also, he really does hate that his angel just left when he needed him most... There will come a time when he won't, Dean. Promise. ; )
I hate this... =/
Would've asked him to stay for a beer. 'bout a fag and fuck? There was this fic with Crowley... =X
The Sams have their own secret freakin' language!
Dean's uncomfortable... least his Sam fills him in.
Samuel didn't call Sam for the hunt because he's with Dean.
D- So you don't trust me
Sr- No, I just don't know you. Not like I know Sam.
...this is your deal, I get it. I'll follow your lead. I trust you.
No you don't.
LOVE his face btw...♥
I don't trust him.
I know my man.♥
Sammy can't believe it because Samuel's family. Really Sam!?
Look, we hang close, we blend in, we see what we can pick up.
Yeah, that sounds like Dean♥
This kinda reminds me of 5.17...all those hunters working together.
Oh, Dean♥
Of course...
...only action you’ve seen lately is between your slut girlfriend's legs.
Okay, yes I hate her That's just wrong. I'm behind Dean on this one-hundred percent!♥
It's a freakin' caravan!

Sometimes you just gotta enjoy the little things, like this scenery. Beautiful.
Sr- Dean, Gwen; hang back.
Dean is pissed
I'm in the rear with the reject?
lmao. So is she!
Samuel knows Dean doesn't like it...this just makes me hate him more.

Oh yeah, he's pissed. And beautiful.
S- Don't worry, it's fine.
D- No nothing's fine, you're not fine.
Oh, so pretty!♥ (...kinda mean both here, =P)
I've read about him "pinching the bridge of his nose" in countless fic, but to see him actually do it...maybe moe things will become reality ; )
Sorry about that 'reject' thing...just uh, get sick of getting left behind. Think it's probably cuz I remind him of his daughter or something.
...never really thought of it. Looking at her now though, hmm.
Well, you do speak your mind
...I can see what Dean sees in her. Also, he's pretty♥
G- Take that as a compliment.
D- You should.
He's so pretty!♥
Chick saved his ass! ...guess she's not so bad.
Love it when his shirts go up, even the tiniest bit is a turn-on; a tease...mmmh
And I love my guys covered in blood...
I love Dean...♥♥♥
Angels are everywhere, Dean =)
...and oh so sneaky.♥
He knows...
He finally knows!
I kinda hoped Sam would see him. They haven't had that kind of unspoken secrecy between them in a looong time. ...I honestly wondered whether or not he'd tell him.
I really need to stop...but he's too damn gorgeous.♥
Dean doesn't trust anyone right now...and has every reason not to.
D- Things go okay back there?S- Fine.D- Nothing weird?
Really Sam!? ...I love being in the car wiht them, btw. =D
I was hoping Dean had had enough of this.
Gotta say I like him pulling over and hashing everything out better than an unspoken look. With Sam the way he is, it wouldn't have mattered much anyway, but this...this is perfect♥
You weren't supposed to know about that. It's just something Samuel's been doing. Catching things, taking them somewhere. grilling them for info.
Grill. Torture, right? And not telling me, that was his idea?
No it was mine.
Not helping things, Sammy. That's just making this worse. =(
I love you Dean...
Honestly? (would be a nice change of pace, Sam) Cuz you'd mess it up. You shoot first, ask questions late and we needed to ask questions.
Ya know I don’t care if you have soulessness or the freakin' mumps, you know better than this. Do you even want your soul back?
Did it ever occur to you that this is really shady?
Yes. But Sam just doesn't see it, he can't...
S- This is our grandfather.D- Yeah, a guy who talks a great game. But you can't assume that family means the same to him as it does to us. He's not don't see it do you? You've got no instinct. You are seriously messed up.
Family doesn't mean shit to Sam right now either, Dean. Your brother has no soul. Talking to him is like talking to a brick wall, more so than Cas, even - before... Whatever you say to him...he could go in either direction right now... =/
Nobody's forcing you to work with me. Okay but if we do this, I drive the bus, I call the shots and you tell me everything whether your think its important or not because trust me, you can't tell the difference. Or you know what, go with Samuel, see how that goes. It's up to you.
No. ='(
NO! They can't split up again...if they did, it'd most likely be permanent, Dean would be miserable, Cas...idek...=/
SAMMY! ='(
Where's your brother?
Gone. =(
...honestly, I couldn't really cry. Something didn't feel right. Seriously, there was a gut instinct here that told me they made a plan and this was part of it.
I want in. The interrogations, on everything. I wanna help. This family, this is it for me now. Whatever you need, I'll do.
...sounds like Sammy has a plan. That involves going back to Dean.
Until we can figure out this soul business of yours, you keep doing what you're doing.
Sam's not too happy about that...
Okay, now what!? ...he is going back to Dean, right?
Dean's surprised...
S- You didn't think I'd come back.D- I figured 60-40.
Part of me does wonder, now, if Samuel had agreed to let him help, would he have really gone back? Or just played Dean instead?... =/
The boys are back together again. For real this time.♥
How 'bout a monatge? =D

Where is it? How do we find it?
What the hell does he want!? This should be interesting...
That can't be good.
Are you two going to hide all night? Come on out boys.
There may still be a vampire between them, but they're together. That's all that matters to me.♥

Okay, how do they not see this!?
When your kind first huddled around the fire, I was the thing in the dark.
Very nice it. I can actually feel it...why does this turn me on?  
(I'd prefer a much taller, blonde and Swedish vamp...)
Oh, Dean♥
I'm happy to tell you whatever you want to know. Because soon I will be ankle deep in your blood. Sucking the marow form your ones.
Funny how he'll talk to them, but Samuel gets nothing.

So you're it, the first of your species?
Even soulless, Sam's geek still shows.
You smell cold. You have no soul. what an oddity. You feel how empty you are.
Famine had this same convo with Dean a while back...Dean was never this empty. Cas did good♥

When we freaks die, where do we go? Not Heaven. Not Hell. So...
*is captivated*
...getting his geek on, again. I miss Sammy.


I couldn't resist, mate. ; )


Dean's so cute when curious...♥
You know exactly where it is. Why does Samuel care about any of this?
He doesn't care. He does as he is told.
OMG NO WAY!!! Who the hell has he been talking to!?!?!
Well if the old man's Kermit, who's hand's up his ass?
Love you Dean♥
Of course they pick now to let their presence be known. I bet Samuel and them heard everything and didn't want it going nay further.
This is rediculous. Fighting amongst each other when there's an Alpha vamp in the next room clawing his way through his bonds...
Yeah, Dean
Well, he was Still like her, though. Not really sure why, but this does dampen that a bit...
Mmm, yeah, Dean. Bend over. (kinda wish Cas was behind him, though... ; )
Grab your stuff.
LMAO! Obviously hteir betrayal can't mean much if he just lets them pick their stuff up...the family thing is not lost on me...but I still don't trust him.
I think this is how I felt about Cas in the beginning. He didn't exist in Dean's book and therefore couldn't be trusted, but helped out whenever he could. I liked that he was there to help (when he came off that cloud of his and decided to lend a hand)  but overall, he was just this dick angel on the side of Heaven....until he wasn't, but I don't see Samuel going in this direction. SO! Yes, Samuel is family, that obviously matters to him and he helps when asked, but that's really all he's good for.

Sr- We need to get him dosed up and back in the cage.
D- No.
Straight and to the point...too bad Samuel could care less.
We take the thing's head off or it kills us all, you know that.
Dean takes back the control.♥
If we make it through this, you me and Sam are having one hell of a family meeting.
That 'man with no soul being the perfect monster'...that could become EXTREMELY interesting...
also: ...mirror image. huh.
But Dean...
...wait, WHAT!?
Seriously, only thing that really bothered me here (Sam being safe and all) was that I had just rejoiced this guy's death and he's back. Demon, but still. First stunt demon we've seen all season...I miss the good old days.
*clap* *clap* *clap* ...CROWLEY!?
So cute!♥
Okay, so much happened all at once, let's take a sec. Demons are behind this. Something tells me Raphael wouldn't sink so low as to employ demons...or announce himself by applauding his own genius...
Well, that was dramatic.
Why didn't I want him dead again?
Since...what's today? Friday? ='(
He was the last to reference Friday's start with him. Am I seriously crying over  aday right now!? ♥~Supernatural~♥
I'm a developer. Purgatory is vast, unutilized and Hell-adjacent. And I want it.
Okay, Crowley is amazing...I take back that thing about killing him.
...not sure Sammy agrees with me.
...or Dean for that matter. =/
Employees don't question management. ...have been for some time thanks to gramps.
Samuel is "gramps" from now on. Thanks Crowley!♥
Dean hates the idea of wokring with a demon.
Samuel knows things. More than any of you actually. Walking encyclopedia of the creepy and the crawly. and I knew you two are so hung up on family loyalty nonsense; he said jump, you'd get froggy.
He's so annoying, but I just can't hlp but love him.

D- Yeah, well, game's over.Cr- ...'fraid not. Not if you wanna see Sam's soul ever again.

Dean's pissed...and beautiful...♥
He pulled us both back, me and Sam.

...situation's not getting any better for him. =/
At least Sam shows some kind of feeling...
Cas says it takes big time mojo to pull something like that off and you're nothing but apunk-ass cross-roads demon.
Dean....bringing up your angel's wisdom when you need it. He's always with you isn't he?♥
Was a punk-ass cross-roads demon. Now, King of Hell. Believe me, I've got the mojo.
He's such a dick. 
I snap my fingers, Sam gets his soul back. Or, you could be you and I shove Sam right back in the hole.
Cas had a similar conversation with Dean a few years back...why is that Sam always get the demon?

Sammy doesn't like it either... =/
Me Charlie, you Angels.
needs a little altering, but...
...he's kinda hot here.
Job's simple enough. Bring me creatures. Aim high on the food chain please. Everybody wins.
Well, I'm glad to know what's going on now...situation sucks, but what are you gonna do?
Dean'sgonna angst...and he so damn pretty♥
At least neither of them are happy about this. That's something...but the feeling is all wrong with Sam. It's more he doesn't wanna be controlled and Dean just hates that his brother's soul is in the hands of a demon and the only way to get it back is to wokr with him...  =/
Dean really feels is, Sam just wants what's his.
...and Dean will never even think of trusting their grandfather again.
You're letting a demon call the shots?
I knew I liked her...
Sammy's finally against his grandfather, too.
What's so important that your're the King of Hell's cabana boy?
...beautiful, just saying♥
I got my reasons.
I would LOVE to know what those are.
I do love serious!Dean...♥
You boys, you're my family. So the way I see it, you got two choices. Put a bullet in your grandfather or step aside.
...I guess family does mean something to him, even Sam and Dean. Good to know.
LOVE Sam's reaction! His first thought is to kill his grandfather...but again, there's no feeling. Just revenge.
D- Let it go.
S- Why?
Dean hates that he had to ask... =/
I don't really get it either, but I'm always completely against whatever is messing with the's never been family, though...
Sam doesn't get it either...
I would love to know Dean's reasoning, though. I mean, family or no, he completely screwed them.
Get outta here.
 ...and he's pretty♥
soo, soo pretty♥♥
Dean....♥ means too much to him. He wishes he could kill Samuel, but... He can't.
We can't work for Crowley.
I'm with ya, Dean!
You sure about that?
Sammy, what the hell!?
I don't think you understand. Demons bone you every time.
Dean gets boned by angels...only enjoys it from one though. ; )
Oh, no I get it, I do. Believe me. It's just running the math do we really have another choice?
Not really, but Sam...
Stab him in his throat.
I love you Dean! ...and you're so beautiful♥
And get my soul back how? Just saying, it seems like we've gotta play ball. At least for the moment.
...This is why they're better as a team. Bounce ideas off each other, tell each other when to shut the fuck up and not screw them even more...but Sam does have a point. Although they really shouldn't be doing anything Sam wants right now.... =/
Dean know it's true. =/
...and OMG is he beautiful!♥♥♥
I have done some stupid things in my time, but punching a demon's clock...
He's always been on the side of angels his angel, never once aligned with a demon. =D
Look, just ‘til we find another way.
...practically Team Free Will's slogan last season.♥
And then?
Dean does not approve.
And then we track Crowley down and give that son of a bitch what's coming to him. 
For some reason, I still want Crowley to live...someone has to control Hell, afterall...
Yeah, he's being a dick to my boys, but at least he's open about it. My favorite demon yet and that hasn't chnaged...
You with me, Dean?
Sammy's way to eager to do Crowley's dirty work...and I'm getting the feeling it's not entirely just to get his soul back... =/

...he doesn't like it, but what other choice does he have?


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I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel