Tuesday, February 28, 2012

once upon a time in vancouver...

It really feels like I'm cheating on Supernatural here, and to bring this post to my blog...

Anyway, I blame the writers for killing Cas. Even though he's coming back, there's no guarantee he'll stay and I'm prepared for the worst. ='(

Enter Rumplestiltskin/Belle 

Now, I've been intrigued by Rumple since the very first episode, possibly even the previews. What can I say, I have a thing for strange men. But these feelings have only intensified with every Rumple-centric episode; hell even when he just pops up to make a deal...but after 1.12, I can honestly say I'm a goner.

So I was re-watching the episode for the hundredth time, I noticed the background. I'd seen that blue and white TAVERNA sign before.
I remember a fan posting a pic from what I'm assuming was a Supernatural Location Tour, I think the picture was taken out of a bus window. Anyway, I freaked, grabbed my laptop and opened my Screencaps folder. Sure enough, 1.05 - Bloody Mary...the boys drove down this street.
I went to Supernatural Locations DOT Com to find the address:

3760 Moncton Street, Richmond, BC.

So, I typed it into GoogleMaps for directions from the Sheraton (35mins) and clicked street view of the building. Then I clicked my way down the street, finding where that truck was parked:
GoogleMaps screenshot
...and where Mr. Gold (Rumplestiltskin) met Regina (The Evil Queen):
GoogleMaps screenshot

...and the clock tower (minus the clock):
GoogleMaps screenshot
3551 Moncton Street, Richmond, BC

After re-watching every episode available, I clicked a little further down the street 'til I found Gold's Pawn Shop:
GoogleMaps screenshot
3480 Moncton Street, Richmond, BC

...and Granny's Diner:
GoogleMaps screenshot
3611 Moncton Street,  Richmond, BC

Plus, I just found this site with more locations, including Gold's house:
GoogleMaps screenshot
403 St. George Street, New Westminster, BC

And I've always known about the Mayor's Office:
GoogleMaps screenshot
9167 Glover Road, Fort Langley, BC
...since, ya know, I've been there. ;-)
Supernatural Location Tour 2011

Somehow I think that plane to Vancouver is gonna have to wait, I might just have to drive and check out some OUAT locations...that aren't very far from Supernatural locations, lol.

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I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel