Friday, October 8, 2010

6.02 - Two and a Half Men

WOW this has taken forever, but I FINALLY have the time! I got stuck about 10min in cuz Lisa...I just don't wanna look at her face! Found a way around it, though and I've been thinking about this episode all week...mostly this last scene =)
♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥
screencaps by home of the nutty, crystal_caps and toxicangel
~ ♥ ~

- if you haven't seen it -
**comment on facebook page**

Why is she letting him tote them around at his leisure? I love Dean. really I do, but Deean! No.
Have you noticed he spends more time with his car than with them? It is the closest thing to his real family...♥
He wants to be back out there...just go Dean!
And now you're being a dick...more prison ward than family man. Why don't you get it!? You don't belong here and you're making them miserable. Hell, I'm on edge!
I know Sam can work alone, but this is where Dean should be... didn't forget. You're keeping them locked in here and it's not good for any of you. Honestly, I think it's kinda pointless. I mean, if nothing has come for you in a year, I doubt they'll start coming the second Sam is back in your life. There's still time to make the right choice, no one's in danger yet and you can keep it that way by leaving, NOW! They're better off without you...
You're not fooling anyone, Dean...
Hahahaha! Samuel can't work a laptop! ♥technologically challenged Grandad Campbell. (there's gotta be a way to shorten that...this Sam/Samuel thing is starting to bug me...)
Seeing Ben with a gun must've brought back memories of Sam as a kid. The fact that he already knows what's out there makes it worse because what kid wouldn't want to save the world? Again, how can Lisa see Dean as  suitable father-figure for Ben!? I just don't get it...
Dean!? should've been.
She's not even upset about it!! WTH!?
This is where I've been stuck for the past week...I don't wanna look at her, so I'm just gonna ignore this scene. The entire episode about sums it up anyway...
LOVE that when Sam needs help, he automatically calls Dean. I just wish I could believe he didn't have ulterior motives =/
I'm out
If you're salting windows, you're not out.
Sam knows what will get to him. (a really interesting case...lmao)
REALLY hate that truck!! Dean belongs in his does Sam for that matte; but at least they're together... (love the scenery, btw...♥)
What happened to being out and not pushing them into your lifestyle Dean!? This is exactly what you didn't want to have happen and you're the one doing it! You need to leave, before they get hurt...
(which he'll of course blame himself for and why shouldn't he!? God, men are idiots...)
Gotta admit, though...this is probably his perfect woman scenario, and a bit of turn-on; teaching her how to use a gun...definitely dirty, hell, I'm making it dirty cuz I know him and I should not be okay with this!
 Just look at his face...I'm so right. lmao. NO. BAD! HATE LISA! Err...
D- Maybe I should stay...
L- You wanna go, so go.
I could almost like her...
Dean, no offense, but if you don't leave right now I'm going to shoot you.
What the hell is happening!?
Tempoarary insanity has passed....! >=| should've been Jo ='(
Now THIS I like♥
...she's gonan tell him to go. ='/
S- Seatbelt.
LOVE Dean's face LMAO♥ =D
Wrong car, but I'll take it =)
Set-up for THE best gay jokes and outsider assumptions of their relationship. Too bad it never came... =/
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Dean, make it stop. LMAO!
Yeah, Dean was only four when Sam was this age...John wouldn't have been that cruel...
Sam's face at the prospect of dirty diapers. LMAO! ♥MY SHOW!!! =D
...but Dean's reaction just might top that...LMAO ♥Dean
(holds a baby the way Rachel holds a football...and a baby. ...I watch too much tv! lmao)
What's his name?
D- Bobby
S- John
Sooo...that's something to look into. Bobby's more of a father-figure to Dean than his own father...meanwhile, Sam feels closer to John even though they continually butted heads 'til the day he died...guess he's still suck on that 'What Would Dad Do?' bullshit from s.2. Or...he really is like John as much as Dean accused him of being...which isn't necessarily a good thing...and finally realized it. =/
The mess they make in the grocery store is just like that time on Rescue Me...aah, it was hilarious, damn I need s.5!!
THIS is where Dean belongs...back in a motel with his brother... That sounds SO wrong, but you get it lmao ..sans baby, of course. =P
Dun Dun Da, Dun Dun Da-Da, Dun Dun Da, Da-Da ♥
. . .
S- Are you humming Metallica?
♫-Wherever I May Roam-♫
by Metallica
. . .  

Metallica again, Dean? ...wait, I know this...SMOKE ON THE WATER!!
Only know this one cuz it's been Dean's ringtone since s.2...2.06 to be exact =)
OBVIOUSLY he's good with kids Sam, he raised you!
Oh, Dean...=P

I think about the way we grew up. I don't know, I feel like I have a chance to do something better with Ben, you know.
But you're not. ...LOVE his beautiful face btw♥
You clearly care about the kid, but moving them aorund, keeping them on is any of that different form how we were raised? ♥Sam!
This right here is why I've never been turned against Sam completely. Dean cares and Sam's practical. They really do make a great team♥

I'm not shoving anybody into this life, okay, this is temporary.
Why don't I believe you right now? ( I now Sam said that
Dad always said it was temporary, Dean. Said it for twenty-two years. Look, I get it you wanna watch out for them, that's great. I'm just aksing, how do you do that and not turn into dad?
THAT is a major factor in Dean's decision...probly enough to make him leave. Seriously, I'm LOVING Sam right now! =)
 ...and just for that, he gets an extra picture♥
...Dean gets it =) (and he's beautiful♥)

DEAN! Really? lmoa
Good isn't it? *eye roll*

♥ ♥-Magic Fingers-♥ ♥
I love the look, he's so happy..(and unbelievably GORGEOUS!♥...if only Cas were there ;)
This episode has all of Dean's favorite things about the job and all the reasons WHY HE SHOULD GO BACK!!!
What is with this 'father' crap!? God...?
Why are they being all secretive over in the corner? Really not liking this...
Sr- Dean, let me see the little guy
D- No, I've got him
Sr- What do you think I'm gonna do?
LOVE that Dean trusts them just as much as I do...Sam included.
You really don't want me to answer that question. 

He's not too sure about Sammy either...but, come on it's his brother, he has do I. lol. I'm so connected to this show, it sucks sometimes, but it's great that Dean and I are on the same page...always have been. Probly why I love him so much...
What are you gonna study him, poke at him?
Your mind goes right to torture Dean, don't assume that for everyone.
I hope he dies for that comment alone.
...and WTH Sammy!? least he knows Dean'll be pissed.
What was that, Sam? You tell him to lay off and he does...just like that?
Dean's suspicious...
He's all alone in this...his entire "family" ganging up on him...
D-You two are suddenly back from the dead and I seem to be the only one who wants to know how the hell that happened.
They're breaking my heart here!... ='(
D-There's too much mystery to this family to get comfy.
Sr- Then don't.
At least sam doens't like the idea of that...maybe  if it comes down to it, he'll choose Dean over his grandfather and new "family", but I'm not really sure...
Dean lost.

One down, three to go... =)
Sam's giving orders? That's the second time they've looked to him and obey...Dean's noticed it, too...I'm a little bit slow, but taking cues from Dean hasn't failed me yet...and his grandfather no less, doesn't he have, like, seniority or something...?
Alpha!? OMG they're killing my show! I mean OF COURSE, out of all the hunters in the world, these guys find the alphas. Makes perfect sense...
If you heard him then you knew the alpha was out there. And if you knew the alpha was out there then you knew he'd come after the baby. In which case, you were using the baby as bait. So...was that the plan?
Dean just wants to be in the loop, ya know, to tell Sam when he's being incredibly stupid!
Of course not. I just thought Samuel's was the safest place, that's all.
I don't believe you Sam...I can't. I want to but, you had to have heard him. You knew and you...! idk anymore... ='(
Dean doesn't believe it either...
The one thing I do know is that Dean can't trust his own brother...and Dean knows it, too.
Sooo...Samuel's not collecting monsters for himself...then who? Okay, so out of all the hunters in the world, it does make senes that these guys would find them...seeing as that's Samuels' goal. Guess they're not killing my's just a new direction. AWESOME! =) Really can't wait to see where this goes!!
-God? =/
-GABRIEL!? hahaha it Sam? ='( Tell me it's not Sam!! WTH >='(
I think I prefer my first choice in possible collector, but Sam...idk what to think ='(

Why does it feel like they'd be happier without Dean around? Oh yeah, cuz they would! Ben just went for a bike ride and Dean can't stand it...
...he wants to get out.
I don't know what to do here, Lise. I mean, if I knew for sure what the safest thing was, I'd do it. Stay here and look after yo guys...or get as far away as I possibly can but...I don't know.
The safest thing for them would be for him to leave, Dean! It's not too late...(btw sooo pretty♥)
Can I be honest? Maybe we're safer with you here, maybe gone. I don't know. The one thing that I do know is that you're not a construction worker. You're a hunter. And now you know your brother's out there; things are different. You don't wanna be here Dean.'re white knuckling it, living like this; like what your are is some bad aweful thing but you're not. ...this is just gonna keep happening, so...I need you to go. 
I could almost like her. Love her for that last line, but nothing more... I'll give her this: she gets him. idk if it's Misha having a kid or what but... don't like her, I know I never will, but...she's good for him. God, that hurts to say, so maybe it's not true since I don't really believe it myself, this situation, she's good for him.
 I know this is serious stuff and it's really important but can I just say...GORGEOUS!
 It's his only shot at a normal life and maybe it's not possible (I like to believe that anyway) but it's still something he's always wanted...and he's so broken up at the pros[ect of leaving them...idk...

Me and Ben will be here and you come when you can, just...just come in one piece, okay.
Ellen and Bill... My first thought was of what images I'd come up with in my head when Jo told Dean about her father...
. . .  

I was still in pigtails when my dad died, but…I remember him coming home from a hunt. And he’d burst through that door like…like Steve McQueen or something. And he’d sweep me up in his arms, and I’d breathe in that old leather jacket of his. And my mom, who was sour and pissed from the minute he left –- she started smiling again. And we were…we were a family.
~♥~ should've been her ~♥~
. . .  

That didn't turn out so well...and of course I fear the worst for the rest of the season but it's more than that. Ellen and Bill were in love, had been for years and it's the only reason it worked as well as it could. (and we haven't heard that rom them once! =)

You really think we could pull something like that off? No.
Neither of them really believe it'll work, it's just an excuse they're both gonna use as long as they can. Lisa has no real tie to Dean, aside from the obvious insanity in believing he'd be good for them... (which I think she's slowly curing herself of) Dean'll be gone, months at a time and she will find someone else who is good for Ben and safe. This isn't gonna can't.
Now, on to bigger and MUCH better things! DEAN'S LEAVING!♥ FINALLY!!! =D

♫-Smoke on the Water-
by Deep Purple

We all came out to Montereax
On the Lake Geneva shoreline
To make records with a mobile
We didn't have much time
Smoke on the water and fire in the sky

 He hasn't been this happy in a loooonnng time! ♥


*now, the thing about Jo...She and Dean would've been PERFECT together. That was my original OTP and even when I got into Dean/Cas last season, the second she showed up again...I abandoned that pair in a heartbeat for the brief glimmer of hope that something might happen between them. But Dean was denied (love her all the more for it, not many women have that ability...) even though she really did want to, has wanted to since she met him but...errr. I'm totally Dean/Cas now...but if he has to be with a girl, I've always wanted it to be Jo. And in Supernatural, anything is possible... (even Dean/Cas ;)

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I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel