Friday, September 24, 2010

Sept. fic recs, deancastiel

OMG, fic I've read at the beginning of THIS month!!! It's incredible!!!

As is the fact that we are now down to...

~* 00 : 00 : 01 *~
...and fic of course:
~*Fic Recs*~

Aug. fic recs, deancasbigbang

This is the best thing since Secret Angels...

~* 2hrs, 36min, 13, 12, 11... *~
okay, fic recs: 
~*Fic Res*~

VanCon...just something to think about ;)

I was going to talk to you about all this tonight, but you won't be here so I thought I'd just give you something to think about over the week between episodes; assuming all this doesn't scare you away from ever watching Supernatural with me... =/

I know you hate me already! lol. There is more under this beautiful man... ;)

Aug. fic rec, deancastiel prt2

Just applied for my passport for VanCon! It should get here in about 3 weeks..oh, and the lady I dealt with is a fan of the show! This is the best day!! =D

~* 8hrs, 55min, 56, 55, 54... *~

~*Fic Res*~

cw connect...

                             Jared                                                                  Misha                                                               Jensen

Aug. fic recs, deancastiel

Okay, since today is the big day and our favorite angel won't make an appearance for another two weeks, I'm gonna finish up the August fic recs today and celebrate the SEASON SIX PREMIERE with the first September fic recs post in

~* 19hrs, 29min, 49, 48, 47...*~

~*Fic Res*~ 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Aug. fic recs, strangeandcharm

...beginning of the list again.

  ~* 24hrs *~

~*Fic Recs*~

Aug. fic recs, dc_fireplace

Backtracking a bit...I saved all these fics months ago and sometimes I go to the beginning of my list of 500+ bookmarked fics and start over. These are from that time.

...might even get all these outta the way in time to rec fics I've read in September!  =)
wish I could say the same about episode picspams... =/

~*Fic Recs*~

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Pretty much the same as the last post, only new thing is the brand new clip at the end!
~* 3days, 1hr, 59min *~


July 2010 fic recs: deancastiel prt2

Looks like reccing is all I'll be doing for a while...
okay, I'll still be reading lol ;)

 ~*Fic Res*~ 

Monday, September 20, 2010

promos and a clip =)

 I've been watching these for weeks, but I've got some time to put them all together so here's the links:


July fic recs, deancastiel

This would've gone so much faster if I had posted everyday like I'd planned...but school and King Richard's Faire aren't helping my obsession.

Anyway, I will make it a point to post no matter how tired I am...

~* 4days 8hrs, 36min *~

Secret Angels IV has has started! =)

 ~*Fic Res*~ 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

June fic recs, deancastiel

fic really helped me through the weeks after the season finale...gave me a good picture of how I wanted s.6 to go. 

too bad they're killing that dream =(

REALLY good fics here!
~*Fic Res*~ 

Friday, September 10, 2010

6.01 - Exile on Main!!!

I no longer watch the cw on Thursdays, but my mom likes Vampire Diaries and called me in to see the new Supernatural promo. As she rewound it, all I saw was Dean with Lisa and Ben and nearly passed out, or cried...maybe both.

I read some fic as it was posted all over facebook...I did eventually watch it. It's just a few seconds, but I mean, FINALLY the cw takes some interest in the boyus show out there...

Anyway, he're thr link to the HD version: 6.01 promo

May fic recs, deancastiel prt3

These fics just keep getting better; Temptation is great and The Last Gospel...*chills*

~ OTP ~

~*Fic Res*~ 

Thursday, September 9, 2010

May fic recs, deancastiel prt2

Alright, now we're starting to get into post-season finale fic. I wasn't going to read anymore until I knew for a fact Cas would be back. May 20, 2010 (one week after the finale that broke my heart) the CW press release listed Misha Collins as a series regular for s.6...and I started reading again.

...okay, it might've taken a few days, but my OTP was back in action!

...last fic's my fave of these

~*Fic Res*~ 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

...looks like I'm going to Vancouver!!

Tickets went on sale today!! Bought my photo-op and autograph tickets already (while freaking out!)...just need to discuss seating and hotel reservations and we're set!! OMG Location Tours! There's so much to this thing!!

...and I'm getting my Supernatural tattoo while I'm there! *squee!*

Fri., Sat. & Sun.
August 26-28, 2011
Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre
1088 Burrard St.
Creation Entertainment's

May fic recs, deancastiel

I pre-made all these posts and saved them as drafts because it takes FOREVER to design theses things. The intro seems kinda impersonal now...

I read these before the season five finale...

'deancastiel' is all I'll be reccing now. There may be a few other sites thrown in, but after wringing these archives dry, there' not much left out there besides Groped by an Angel for updates. Like I said, THE #1 site for Dean/Cas =D

Also, lots of favorites in this post, all but two recs. lol.

 ~*Fic Res*~ 

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Apr. fic recs, deancastiel prt3

Kinda takes a backseat to the VanCon news, but here's some fic to celebrate! lol

 ~*Fic Res*~ 

...attempting not to hyperventilate

Fri, Sat. & Sun.
August 26-28, 2011

Sheraton Wall Centre Hotel

Creation Entertainment's
Salute to

More details to come!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Apr. fic recs, deancastiel prt2

First of all, congratulations to Misha who ran 83k yesterday, raising over $94,000 for here's some fic to celebrate:

first two are incredible, this worked out perfectly! lol

 ~*Fic Recs*~

Sunday, September 5, 2010

one word...

okay, so it's more of a


I know it's old and I probablyread it sometime in the beginning of all this but...this fandom has been around longer than I've been into it, and even Misha knows about it. He's asked at every con (even NJ, but it was

Anyway, I found this quote on Dean/Castiel facebook page and just had to post it.

Misha said he had read some slashfic but,
"stopped at the part where Cas choked...on someone's cock".
♥ ♥ ♥

link for audio download

Apr. fic recs, deancastiel

Another 1 of 3...I had no life for quite some time =D

~*Fic Recs*~ 

Friday, September 3, 2010

Apr. fic recs, RS&F prt2

Last of the RS&F recs...I think. =/

~*Fic Recs*~ 

Apr. fic recs, RS&F

Rock Salt and Feathers is so much better! I know there should be more hearts and stars involved, but it's been so long and I just don't remember. I'll remedy that eventually, but until then...fics are here for a reason.

(in the beginning, I only bookmarked the fics I liked, or ya know, found 'amazing')

~*Fic Recs*~ 

Mar. fic recs, dc_fireplace

There's only two here, so I'll post another fic site with this...

~*Fic Recs*~

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Mar. fic recs, deancastielnews

I've been working on these things all night now, just setting them up to be posted at a later date...

btw, Blissful Oblivion is ♥ 
~The Dean/Castiel Newsletter~
 ~*Fic Recs*~ 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mar. fic recs, deancastiel prt3

The last post had the beginnings of Secret Angels III...where I've found some of the most amazing fic of all time. Secret Angels IV will be starting soon, and posts will begin just before season six starts; I am so excited!! ♥

~*Fic Recs*~ 
I have been in love with this show since the day it began and here I can share that passion with both those I've converted and friends I've found along the way. Basically anything and everything I find is posted here...including my own thoughts and opinions in picspam episode recaps and random fan freak-out as they come. It should also be noted that I am a huge Dean/Cas fan and tend to rec favorites fics, twice monthly, it's insane. Enjoy! ~kel